Bible Study Part 2 c New Testament



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Feb 20, 2024





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Do we really understand God’s questions? For the New Testament Bible Study Assignment, I will be using the Turabian formatting style, and my chosen passage is John 14: 1-12 BIBL 110; New Testament Survey (D16) November 25, 2023
1 I. Introduction and Thesis Statement In the Gospel of John, chapter fourteen, Jesus’ disciples are asked questions that they have a hard time answering. I believe Jesus’ goal is to have us reflect on passages in the bible to understand and answer his questions. At times, he seems be like the Riddler from Batman, asking us to solve issues with a riddle. Jesus looks straight into this friend’s eyes and asks, Still , Philip? Still, you do not know me? After all this time? After all these years? Am I still a stranger to you?” 1 To Philip, these questions are a riddle. Are they a riddle to us?” Do we really understand what God is asking or telling us? I would like to try to clarify the questions Jesus asked his disci- ples in John 14:1-12. It is paramount for us to understand the questions and answers to Jesus's questions to his disciples as they were some of the last words Jesus spoke in person. In the an - swers to Jesus’ questions, we will find his comfort and assurance as well as being shown that he is the way, the truth, and life so we can have eternal life in a place he is preparing for us, his chil - dren. II. Observation 1 Cara L. T. Murphy, The Inquisitive Christ: 12 Engaging Questions (New York City, NY: FaithWords, 2020), 123.
2 A. I have read the passage in both a formal translation (KJV, NKJV, NASB, ESV, or CSB) and a functional translation (NIV, NLT, or NCV). Highlight the correct answer. You will find a copy of the NASB, ESV, CSB, and NLT in Logos. o Yes o No B. Identify the basic elements of the story you are studying. 1. Main characters: Jesus (The Father (God) The Holy Spirit) The Disciples Thomas Philip 2. Plot: The reader is invited to sit with the disciples for the Last Supper between Jesus and his disciples, which was designated to celebrate the Jewish Passover feast . 2 As Jesus had his last meal with his disciples in the Upper Room, he asked the questions that seemed to befuddle them. His last days will be spent with his disciples (13 – 17): there is much to tell them and little time left. 3 Jesus was teaching his disciples of 2 Cara L. T. Murphy, “John,” in Approaching the New Testament: A Guide for Students (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2022), 83–147. 3 Zondervan.   Zondervan Handbook to the Bible : Fifth Edition , HarperCollins Christian Publishing, 2017.  Pro- Quest Ebook Central , Created from liberty on 2023-11-30 17:11:49.
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3 things to come. The disciples had problems understanding Jesus. The disciples were not thinking heavenly; they were trying to understand in earthy things. Do we read and study the bible in earthy terms? 3. Story structure (inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action): (50-100 words) The disciples did not quite understand the questions Jesus was asking them. Jesus was trying to tell them of his death and resurrection. Jesus also was trying to explain that the Holy Spirit would be there to assist them in their future ministries without him. The disciples were confused and unsure of what Jesus was saying to them. I am sure Jesus was a little discouraged that his disciples were unable to understand; however, he knew that in time, they would reflect on this last meal with them remember and understand his last words. The Last Supper is full of misunderstanding, denial, and forecasting of the future, as well as tension among Jesus and his disciples. 4. Question(s) asked in narrative: If   it   were   not   so,   would   I   have   told   you   that   I   go   to   prepare   a   place   for   you? How   can   we   know   the   way? Have   I   been   with   you   so   long,   and   you   still   do   not   know   me,   Philip?
4 C. List basic observations about this passage using the “Key Questions” for observation. 1. Who: Jesus asked a question to all his disciples. Thomas asked Jesus a question. Jesus asked Philip a question. 2. What: Jesus and his disciples were having dinner. Jesus took this time of fellowship to tell his disciples of what was to come. Jesus informed them that he would die and rise again. He would go to heaven to prepare a place for all who chose to follow him. He also let them know that the Holy Spirit would be sent to assist them in following his command to go and witness to the world, creating new believers. 3. Where: Jesus and his disciples were having dinner. Jesus took this time of fellowship to tell his disciples of what was to come. Jesus informed them that he would die and rise again. He would go to heaven to prepare a place for all who chose to follow him. He also let them know that the Holy Spirit would be sent to assist them in following his command to go and witness to the world, creating new believers. 4. When:
5 The exact date of the Lord’s Supper is still debated to this day. While researching the “When” the Lord’s Supper took place, I found an article on the web that broke down all the information. I think the article gives us the best date for the Lord’s Supper. The Last Supper was either on April 2, 33, or April 5, 30. 4 5. Why: In this writing, John demonstrates how true belief in the God of the Scriptures changes the way we think, speak, and live. John’s Gospel, unique and distinctive from the other three Gospel accounts, issues an invitation into a life of belief in Jesus Christ, both in the world that presently exists as well as the world to come. 5 Jesus wanted his disciples to know what was ahead for them as well as himself. Jesus wanted to ensure his disciples that even though he was no longer on earth, the Holy Spirit would be dwelling in them to assist them in their ministries. Jesus was setting them up for success as they were still relying on him for guidance. 6. How: Jesus spoke and asked questions of his disciples. Jesus did this the evening be- fore he was crucified. He wanted to personally let them know what was to come within the next few days as well as where and what he would be doing after he left Earth. III. Interpretation 4 “When Was the Last Supper?” n.d. Accessed December 2, 2023. 5 Cara L. T. Murphy, “John,” in Approaching the New Testament: A Guide for Students (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2022), 73.
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6 A. Determine the author’s main point. John Chapter Fourteen centers on the promise that Christ is the One who gives the believer comfort, not only in His future return but also in the present with the ministry of the Holy Spirit. 6 We also get a glimpse of what to look forward to in Heaven. Jesus’ teaching about His Father’s house with many dwelling places evokes the image of a first-century wealthy home with beauti- ful additions. Jesus would not go to prepare a place for His disciples unless He would also come again and receive them to Himself. 7 This reassures the disciples that Jesus will return for all be- lievers, which should have excited them; however, they were having difficulties understanding Jesus. Best of all, his followers will have a Helper: The Holy Spirit will come to be with them al- ways and everywhere (not limited by a physical body as Jesus had been) 8 The knowledge of not being alone but having the Holy Spirit as a guide should have been encouraging news; however, they were not able to comprehend this at this time. B. Look again at the questions asked within the narrative. I believe that Jesus was trying to get his disciples to think outside the proverbial box. He wanted them to stop thinking earthly and start thinking Heavenly. In John’s Gospel, knowing this “Word” that “became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14) is more than mental assent—rather, it is a knowing trust that leads to greater life in and with God. 9 This passage gives us several 6 MacArthur, John F..   The MacArthur Bible Commentary , Thomas Nelson Incorporated, 1997.  ProQuest Ebook Central , Http:// Created from liberty on 2023-12-04 17:46:28 . 7 The Moody Bible Commentary , edited by Michael Rydelnik, and Michael Vanlaningham, Moody Publishers, 2014.  ProQuest Ebook Central , Created from liberty on 2023-12-04 17:51:41. 8 Zondervan.   Zondervan Handbook to the Bible : Fifth Edition , HarperCollins Christian Publishing, 2017.  Pro- Quest Ebook Central , Created from liberty on 2023-12-04 18:05:32. 9 Cara L. T. Murphy, “John,” in Approaching the New Testament: A Guide for Students (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2022), 74.
7 things to look forward to. We will have the Holy Spirit to guide us as we read, study our Bibles, pray, and try to live the best Godly lives we can. We have a home in heaven for us. The most important thing to look back on is the death and resurrection of our Lord, which is the sacrifice that forgives us of our sins and opens the door to heaven. We should study and ponder these questions to better strengthen us in Christ as well as have better knowledge to share what Jesus did for us. This should be our reflection every time we participate in Communion. We must be able to answer these questions ourselves in order to periodically check to see if we are in the right place in our relationship with God. C. Based on your answers above, narrow down one principle from this passage. This passage should be of encouragement to us because we learn that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. We are given the Holy Spirit to guide us as well as a promise of a home in Heaven. IV. Correlation A. How does this passage fit within the metanarrative of the Bible? I believe this is a story of new creation, as Jesus shares with the disciples the sending of the Holy Spirit to guide them in his absence and the creation of homes in Heaven for all believ- ers/followers. In addition, this story can also be of redemption as we learn of Christ’s death and resurrection, which gives us Salvation. Jesus did not need to ask questions of the disci- ples; however, he used this method to get them to think. These questions can be compared to his parables, which required thinking to figure out. Jesus told around forty-six parables in the Bible, and most are in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. With parables, we need to look
8 first at the whole to discover the main idea. 10 Was the questions a version of Jesus’ para- bles? B. How does this passage reflect other truths found in the Scriptures? When Jesus is telling us about the arrival of the Holy Spirit and the homes he is making for us in heaven, he is referring to the New Covenant with his disciples and believers. Paul tells us in First Corinthians that when we partake of the Lord’s Supper, we are remember- ing the New Covenant Jesus spoke of with the disciples in the Upper Room. “I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said,   “This is my body, which is for   you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, he also took the cup after supper, saying,   “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.”   For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup; you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” (1Cor 11:23-26). The new covenant is mentioned around 280 times in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelations. C. How does this passage reflect the person and work of Jesus Christ? Jesus was a teacher. Je- sus’ work was to be crucified for our sins. He was teaching his disciples what was ahead, which also was a part of his work, but also was showing love, forgiveness, and grace to them. Jesus taught with parables that always had great meaning. 10 Zondervan.   Zondervan Handbook to the Bible : Fifth Edition , HarperCollins Christian Publishing, 2017.  ProQuest Ebook Central , http:// ebookcentral Created from liberty on 2023-12-04 19:15:10.
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9 In an act of judgment and mercy, Jesus spoke in parables. The parables of Jesus are the third major message in this Gospel. Parables are true-to-life stories that convey a deeper spiritual truth. 11 V. Application What points of application can be made using the Four Questions for Application? State and explain 1 point of application for your life for each of these four questions. Your explanation for each of these points should be 1 paragraph (100-200 words) in length. A. The question of duty: What are the actions that I must practice or avoid? 12 First off, I need to practice/have more faith. I have not yet seen Jesus as the disciples had, so I must use and have faith. We also must use faith to figure out what heaven might be like. I need to do more works in Jesus’ name, not seeking praise or glory. Just do them because God has said to and is guiding me. I must avoid doubting what God is telling me. I must stop getting upset when things do not go my way. I need to remember to pray more and listen as Jesus told us that whatever we ask in his name, he will do it as long as it glorifies God. B. The question of character: I rejoice in the fact that my character was created when God saved me many years ago. I recently had gotten away from that character and was trying to live my own life. God has brought me back through a way that has caused me a lot of anguish and suffering. I now 11 Russell Small, “Matthew,” in Approaching the New Testament: A Guide for Students (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2022), 32. 12 John Cartwright and Chris Hulshof, Everyday Bible Study: Growing in the Christian Faith , ed. Gabriel Etzel and Ben Gutierrez, 2nd edition., Everyday Bible Series (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2019), 177.
10 am aware of what I should be doing and how I should be living. I will have to deal with this course for around the next twenty-five years as a reminder of me trying to do things my way. I am striving to understand what direction God wants me to go, so I am constantly in prayer and patiently listening. C. The question of goals: Our goals or causes ought to be defined by the Scriptures and God’s calling on our life as Christians. 13 Now that I am back in the fold as they say, I am setting my main goal to be closer to God. I want to be on a “First Name” basses. I want to be and do whatever I am called upon to do. My wife and I want to start traveling in May of twenty twenty-five. I have been contemplating using our YouTube channel to have devotional and prayer time along with RV-related topics. I have been praying, and this idea is staying in my mind. I want to show others that you can travel as well as be in touch with God. I think relating all the great sites we see to God and how he created all the beauty might open others' eyes to Christ. All we must do is plant a seed. D. The question of discernment Discernment is only gained by bible study and praying on a personal basis. I would also rely on the different Bible studies I attend, as well as seek guidance from the church’s pastor, elders, and deacons. We can only be able to keep our Christian view in this new world by knowing what God has said we should do and be. We need the fellowship and 13 John Cartwright and Chris Hulshof, Everyday Bible Study: Growing in the Christian Faith , ed. Gabriel Etzel and Ben Gutierrez, 2nd edition., Everyday Bible Series (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2019), 178.
11 guidance of other Christians due to the fact that we think a certain way. We need to be able to learn to see things From another Christian’s view point. God speaks through others to us; we must Just Listen. VI. Conclusion Do we really read and listen closely enough to God’s questions? If we lean in and listen very closely, we can hear something with waterlogged ears over the crying wind. We can hear what it is that proceeds from the curious mouth of God. 14 We should strive to be more of a listener to the words of our Lord. Once the reader has listened to Jesus and learned from him, the path of genuine discipleship is opened. 15 I am on my journey of looking for the hidden gems in Jesus’ questions. Hopefully, as I learn and grow, I can be an influence on others so they may come to know our gracious Lord and Savior. If we avoid the questions, will we get the real answers? Bibliography Cara L. T. Murphy, “John,” in Approaching the New Testament: A Guide for Students (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2022), 73. Cara L. T. Murphy, “John,” in Approaching the New Testament: A Guide for Students (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2022), 74. Cara L. T. Murphy, “John,” in Approaching the New Testament: A Guide for Students (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2022), 83–147. 14 Cara L. T. Murphy, The Inquisitive Christ: 12 Engaging Questions (New York City, NY: FaithWords, 2020), 26. 15 Russell Small, “Matthew,” in Approaching the New Testament: A Guide for Students (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2022), 21.
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12 Cara L. T. Murphy, The Inquisitive Christ: 12 Engaging Questions (New York City, NY: FaithWords, 2020), 26. Cara L. T. Murphy, The Inquisitive Christ: 12 Engaging Questions (New York City, NY: FaithWords, 2020), 123. John Cartwright and Chris Hulshof, Everyday Bible Study: Growing in the Christian Faith , ed. Gabriel Etzel and Ben Gutierrez, 2nd edition., Everyday Bible Series (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2019), 177. John Cartwright and Chris Hulshof, Everyday Bible Study: Growing in the Christian Faith , ed. Gabriel Etzel and Ben Gutierrez, 2nd edition., Everyday Bible Series (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2019), 178. MacArthur, John F..   The MacArthur Bible Commentary , Thomas Nelson Incorporated, 1997. ProQuest Ebook Central , Http:// Created from liberty on 2023-12-04 17:46:28. The Moody Bible Commentary , edited by Michael Rydelnik, and Michael Vanlaningham, Moody Publishers, 2014.  ProQuest Ebook Central , detail.action?docID=4904665. Created from liberty on 2023-12-04 17:51:41. Russell Small, “Matthew,” in Approaching the New Testament: A Guide for Students (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2022), 21. Russell Small, “Matthew,” in Approaching the New Testament: A Guide for Students (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2022), 32. “When Was the Last Supper?” n.d. Accessed December 2, 2023. Zondervan.   Zondervan Handbook to the Bible : Fifth Edition , HarperCollins Christian Publishing, 2017.  ProQuest Ebook Central , detail.action?docID=6121636. Created from liberty on 2023-11-30 17:11:49. Zondervan.   Zondervan Handbook to the Bible : Fifth Edition , HarperCollins Christian Publishing, 2017.  ProQuest Ebook Central , detail.action?docID=6121636. Created from liberty on 2023-12-04 18:05:32. Zondervan.   Zondervan Handbook to the Bible : Fifth Edition , HarperCollins Christian
13 Publishing, 2017.  ProQuest Ebook Central , detail.action?docID=6121636. Created from liberty on 2023-12-04 19:15:10.