Seesion Paper 2



Colorado Christian University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by DeanEnergyDove41

Why should you as a Christian read the Bible? Is it because your mom told you too? It will impress your friends? Help you follow along during Church Service? To better yourself as a person and to others? “First, the bible can be best understood as God’s Word, interpreted accordingly, by means of Holy Sprit illumination. God is Triune(one God existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit)+- (Session 1 Biblical Perspective, 2022) Millions of people today are a reliable voice of authority . The Word of God is the only real authority we have. His word sheds light on human nature, world problems, and human suffering” Knowing the bible 101 Bruce Bickel & Stan Jantz Harvest House Publishers 1998 For us to become a better person and lead others it is important for us to follow the path that God has put us on. When we need guidance on his path that is where the Bible assists us. I teaches us how to become a better person, it shows us that if we are suffering there is an end to it and it also teaches how to celebrate daily affirmations . “We Believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God”.- (Statement of faith at Colorado Christian University, 2022) The Bible is the arthortive Word of God and it is meant to be the foundation of one’s Spiritual Growth. “You will learn how to live and grow as a Christian” Knowing the bible 101 Bruce Bickel & Stan Jantz Harvest House Publishers 1998 This is further validated by the following Scripture “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk that by it you may grow into salvation “ (The Macarthur Study Bible, Standard Version (ESV) 2010 Peter 2:2) If we are diligent in our studies of the Bible we learn his way as he has outlined for us in the Bible. The Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but “ you shall meditate on it day and night, so you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success.- (The Macarthur Study Bible, Standard Version (ESV) 2010 Joshua 1:8) There has been many times though out my life that I have seen or heard a Bible verse during the day and it was perfect for the situation I was in at that moment. This validates that he hears our cries of desperation and celebration. This is best illustrated in : For the Lord gives wisdom from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding (The Macarthur Study Bible, Standard Version (ESV) 2010 Proverbs 2:6) As I go along this journey of education I hope to gain more insight to Biblical Teachings to better myself and assist my family in their faith journey especially my two grandsons.
References Bickel, Bruce and Jantz, Stan (1998) Knowing the Bible 101 Harvest House Publishers Last Name, D. E., Last Name, F. G., Last Name, H. I. (Year). Report Title (report number). Publisher. URL . Last Name, J. K. (Year, Month Day). Article Title/Headline . Periodical. URL . Organization Name. (Year, Month Day). Webpage Title . URL .
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