PSY 530 8-2 Helping behaviors



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Feb 20, 2024





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PSY 530-X2229 Social Psychology 8-2 Short Paper: Predictors of Helping Behavior Amber Brown Dr. Laura Green 01/27/24
Introduction Why do we help other people? Our need to help people can be shaped by a number of things rather it be psychological, social, evolutionary or cultural factors that drive us. Some considerations that have been taken into account of why we help others can be reciprocal altruism meaning that helping others increases the likelihood of someone reciprocating the same good deed. Empathy is when you have some kind of understanding or can relate to someone you feel a sense of responsibility to help them. Sometimes helping people is what was instilled in us if you grew up knowing that it is the right thing to do no matter what the consequences you feel obligated to help because that is how you were raised. Societal expectations or conforming to social norms motivates helping behavior in individuals. One of the longest debates in the psychological community revolves around whether genetics or environmental factors shape helping behavior. This paper will support the evidence of which is more likely to influence why we chose to help others. Statement of Opinion The environment and genetics both contribute to an individual's behavior and rather or not they chose to help or intervene in particular situations. In my opinion I believe environmental factors as it relates to prosocial behavior are determinants on why we choose to help others. How we are raised from birth to adulthood plays a major role in who we are, our moral values, our understanding of right and wrong and our personality. If we are taught to help when we can or told God will bless you for what you do for others, they are likely to develop morals and values
towards helping behaviors. I also believe that we are driven by empathy and societal influences as we inherent compassion for the well-being of individuals and communities. Reasoning Based on environmental factors that play such a major role in shaping one’s behavior and willingness to help others, One Psychologist emphasized the impact of observational learning and environmental reinforcement on the development of prosocial behavior ( Bandura, A. 1978). Bandura’s social learning theory contributed to this development. Conforming to cultural and societal norms contributes to the variation of helping behavior in different societies ( Asch S. 2006). Parental modeling and development of helping behavior can shape prosocial tendencies in children ( Rushton, J. P. 1976). When given positive environmental influences like a supportive family it can help develop empathy and altruism. The expectation that if I help a person now, they will help me in the future is a form of social exchange that influences one’s decision to help others. Economic and environmental factors can also play a role in shaping helping behavior. This means that situational factors such as having available resources and economic/financial conditions can also impact someone’s ability and willingness to help. Research and Example Examples to support my claim on environmental factors would first start with the influence of parental modeling and reinforcement in the development of social behavior would be if a child witness their parents positive environmental cues such as showing acts of kindness to others can help a child internalize helping norms ( Rushton, J. P. 1976) ... When talking about conforming to cultural norms, one research study emphasizes cultural collectivism and how it may foster a higher acceptance of prosocial actions due to communal focus ( Oishi, S., &
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