Essay On Behavior



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Nov 24, 2024





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Appropriate Behavior Analysis Essay 10 years old child with emitted inappropriate behavior at class setting , getting out of the seat ,while teacher lecturing . The behavior analyst used two interventions to reduce the number of getting out of the seat. The behavior analyst used alternating treatment design with an initial baseline and final best treatment. The first phase consisted of taking baseline and collecting data about level of responding before introduction of treatment for five sessions .baseline showed high level of inappropriate behavior ( getting out of the seat) before introduction of treatment . In second phase two different condition presented , treatment condition alternated randomly each session ,interventions were token economy and positive reinforcement. more content... The two conditions presented in random fashion each session to minimize sequence effect. After introduction of treatment and collection of data the behavior analyst compared the distance between the two data path ,graph showed clearly more effectiveness of token economy than positive reinforcement on the target behavior sitting on the seat. once Token economy determine as the best intervention , behavior analyst withdraw the positive reinforcement intervention ,and he administered in the final phase token economy across sessions d. A description of why in this case, an ATD is better than a multiple treatments reversal design. Since with ATD the most effective treatment can be determined rapidly As soon as the efficacy of the treatment is determined the behavior analyst can with draw other treatment Random alternation of treatment minimize sequence effect, and doesn't require long time to demonstrate experimental control No need to have steady state of responding to introduce condition Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
Essay On Student Behavior Student Behavior in the United States Education System Approximately 20% of children exhibit symptoms consists with a diagnosable mental disorder; however, children often do not receive mental health services until their symptoms have become severe, and only 1% are identified with an emotional and/or behavior disorder in the school setting and receive special education for these disorders. Additionally, children who do not have a diagnosis, but exhibit challenges with social and behavioral skills, tend to have challenges in the academic setting, but often to do also receive effective supports. Researchers estimate that between one and 5% of children have a severe emotional and/or behavioral disorder (Costello, Mustillo, Erkanli, Keller, more content... MTSS as Prevention. Schools are an ideal place to assist children with mental health issues. Using a preventive model, such as the MTSS model described above, to catch problems early may prevent children from developing more serious or longer–term problems. Research indicates that treating children who are at–risk for emotional and behavioral problems can decrease the likelihood that they will later be diagnosed with a mental health disorder while also lowering the healthcare costs. However, traditionally, behavior problems have not been addressed until a student receives one or more office discipline referrals, and there tends to be a two–year gap between the time that the child first receives an outside diagnosis and when they begin receiving services in the schools. Universal screeners provide schools information that may help prevent future office disciplinary referrals and prevent future behavior challenges. Therefore, providing a universal screener may identify children who would otherwise not receive services until the problem behavior becomes severe. Previous research demonstrates that children who were identified by the Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS) as at–risk earned lower report grades than their peers, whether or not they were deemed at–risk according to traditional teacher referral Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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The Behavioural approach (also called the learning theory) focuses on the belief that our environment, e.g. people, experiences and learning, influences the development and behaviour of an individual whilst thinking the internal functions, such as thoughts and cognition, are impossible to observe, so they are not apart of the scientific approach to psychology . This theory is also based on the concept of 'explaining behaviour through observation. Behaviourists assume individuals are born as a blank state (tabula rasa), meaning they do not think biology and cognitive functions influence our behaviour, only our environment does. A large idea that the theory hold is that behaviour can be broken down into stimulus–response units. Stimuli are anything environmental that triggers an individuals' senses, for example, a student being asked to complete an assignment (stimulus) would respond by completing the assignment. Stimulus–response theories form the basis of classical or operant conditioning, which suggests animals and humans can learn through the relation of a response to any certain stimuli. One strength of the Behavioural approach is that it is scientific. This is a strength because we can measure and observe behaviour which means we get reliable results. One major weakness of the Behavioural approach is that it ignores internal functions such as thoughts, cognition etc. For example, a large part of depression is made up of the thoughts and emotions of an individual, but Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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Essay about Behavior Behavior– Behave, it its root form, means to contain or to have. In the reflective sense, it means 'to have bear oneself'. To use the word behave in common conversation, it is understood as to 'behave well'. As for the phrase 'to behave badly', it is understood immediately. Behavior is looked at in society as the way a person presents him or herself in a given situation. It is also related to the specialized sense of manners. Use of the noun to refer to public conduct or, in a moral sense, to a general range of activities is still quite common. But the term is also used in relation to plants, lower organisms and animals to describe the apparent activity of the whole organism . One particular meaning followed from the extension of the more content... Different stages of bourgeois society led to different stages of the capitalist mode of economic production. It is often difficult to separate the meaning of bourgeois from the meaning used to describe historically distinct periods and phrases of social and cultural development. The bourgeois ideology of settled independent citizens is clearly not the same as the bourgeois ideology of the highly mobile agents of a para–national corporation. There are also some problems between bourgeois and capitalist, which are often used interchangeably but which are primarily distinguishable as social and economic terms. There can be difficulties of usage, associated with some of the most intense controversies of analysis, when the same word is used for the whole society in which one class is dominate and for a specific class within that whole society. Bureaucracy– Definition– the word Bureaucracy originated in English in the middle of the 1900's. The word bureau had its meaning of a writing desk with drawers. The American use of Bureaucracy has become more common, especially with references to foreign branches. As the word bureaucracy evolved, many different meanings have been taken to affect. The increasing scale of commercial organization, with a corresponding increase in government intervention and legal controls, and with the increasing importance of organized and professional central government, produced the political facts to which the new term pointed.
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Emotional Behaviour Problems Essay Emotional Behaviour Problems Many children in today's world experience some form of emotional behavior. In some cases these emotions are not adequetly dealt with well by the child. How do teachers, the government, and parents deal with children who have behavior problems ranging from moderate, to severe? The answer is to follow. This paper will discuss five different articles which define what a behavior problem is, classroom management strategies for students and teachers , and the education environments that are best for children with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders. (EBD) Topics also included, community support, teacher perceptions of what is being done, and parent's perspectives on the services provided for their youths more content... This article was very informative. I was aware of the negative attitudes some teachers can have towards students having encountered a few of these myself. What I was unaware of, however, was that the reciprocal effect of negative behavior. When a teacher demands, a child reacts negatively and as such the teacher responds with more assertion. This obviously is not a good thing when trying to deal with children who have EBD. I also feel that the classroom strategies offered by the authors could be extremely helpful in future situations that I may encounter. Giving students the chance to participate in determining the rules may result in the desired positive effect. The second article I read, "Educational Environments for the pupil with Behavioral Disorders: A "Best Evidence" synthesis." By Barry H. Schnieder and Janice Leroux, discussed the progress of children with behavior problems in different educational environments. The authors reviewed different placements for students and the headway made by each I their settings. Many different methods were used to examine the research and get a 'best evidence' report from the collective research. The research found that while it is possible to use intervention in a classroom or a special school, the costs and limitation of staff and time were too many. The authors developed a technique called meta–analysis Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
Psychology Concepts: Psychology is a term derived from two Greek words that translate to life explanation, which makes it an important element of daily life. The field of psychology can be described as a discipline that focuses on the study of mind and behavior. This discipline is characterized by several concepts and approaches that are used by psychologists in understanding human behavior. Since psychology is a broad field, psychologists not only use these concepts and approaches but also conduct scientific research that enables them to understand human behavior. Some of the most common psychological concepts that are used to modify or change an individual's behavior include operant conditioning, positive and negative punishment, more content... An example of the use of this method is when my friend was recently grounded by his parents for misbehaving in school. While positive punishment helps in modifying behavior, it may cause an individual to be embarrassed and contribute to other negative behavior, which is a major ethical concern. On the contrary, negative punishment is a method that also contributes to weakening a behavior though it lessens or eliminates something pleasant. It involves taking away something desirable or good from an individual in order to discourage him/her from engaging in a particular behavior. For instance, one of my classmate's phone rang in class despite being told by teachers not to bring our phones to class. Consequently, the teacher took away the phone from my classmate in order to discourage that behavior. The ethical concern that may emerge from using negative punishment is that it does not teach the victim of undesired behavior how to change his/her behavior. Positive reinforcement involves strengthening or fostering desired behavior through the addition or increase of a pleasant incentive. Positive reinforcement tends to be a more effective means of behavior modification that the two types of punishment. The addition or increase of incentive when using positive reinforcement is geared towards encouraging the occurrence of the behavior in the future. For instance, positive reinforcement is used by an Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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Behavior Management Approach Essay Judith Ortega EDU–450 October 25, 2014 Jayne Marie–Yenko Behavior Management Approach Teachers must understand that they may face students with different kinds of disruptive behaviors in their classroom. It can be by far, one of the most worrisome issues teachers may come in contact with. Unfortunately, even when taking steps to prevent disruptive behavior, one can never guarantee a disruption –free class. This is why it is important that teachers are prepared with a plan on how they are going to approach such situations. In the scenario to follow, a teacher faces a disruptive student in class. The goal of the teacher will be to use her behavioral approach to diffuse the situation and not allow it to escalate any further by more content... Adams: "Layla, please stop talking and complete the morning assignment". Layla then turns around to sit back in her chair only to turn back around and begin talking to Jessie again a few minutes later. Ms. Adams: "Layla, let's talk outside for a moment". Ms. Adams' list of consequences states that students will get two verbal warnings before consequences go into effect. Talking to Layla outside of the classroom is the second warning. She does not want to embarrass Layla at all. Ms. Adams would actually like to speak to her in private to find out what is going on without her feeling embarrassed or get the other students involved. Sometimes when students feel embarrassed, they can act our more just to cover up the way they feel and the way they assume their classmates are looking at them. Ms. Adams also does not want to make Layla an easy target for getting teased by her fellow classmates. Ms. Adams: "Layla, is everything ok?" Layla: "Yes." Ms. Adams: "Are you sure? You know you can talk to me if there is something bothering you or if there is something you want to express and share with me. It is important to always use your words to express how you feel." Layla: "I know, but there is nothing wrong." Ms. Adams: "Ok, so what is the classroom rule about talking?" Layla: "We must raise our hands for permission to speak." Ms. Adams: "So why are you talking when you are not supposed to? You are not following the rules when you do that". Layla: "I just wanted to Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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Behaviors, are what people do and say, as humans, we notice how certain behaviors can be desirable but also undesirable. Though behavior modification, a person can attempt to alter a specific behavior by analyzing the behavior, and create a personalized plan to modify the behavior. When analyzing the behavior a person needs to decide if the behavior is either is in excess (to decrease the undesirable behavior) or deficit (to increase desirable behavior). Once behavior is the selected, then the person must decide if they desire to increase or decrease their behavior. Afterwards, the person needs to create a plan of action, this depends on their research design and recording method. The plan action is personalized for each study. Behavior modification allows a person to analyze a specific behavior and use a scientific technique to test if their treatment/intervention will modify their behavior. For example, I choose a target behavior to modify this semester which was studying. I had a behavioral deficit in studying that I desired to address, I wished to increase my time studying by twenty–five percent. My definition of studying was any time (in minutes) that I dedicated to focusing on material necessary for my current classes, some examples are reading material for class, doing assignments for class ( homework or essays), and reviewing material for exams (additional reading, notes, or index cards). I wished to address my study habits because I had noticed I felt like I never Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
Essay about Behavior Psychology Behavior Psychology Psychology is defined as a science that focuses on the study of and to explain the way human's think, behave, and feel. The behaviourist school of psychology is concerned with the explanation of behaviour through observable outcomes without making reference to mental events. Behaviourism is very narrow and can be strongly objected in its approach to psychology as it does not consider the mental thought process involvement in behaviour. This school of psychology is very much about nurture rather than more content... The belief is that human behaviour can be trained because human emotions are so malleable therefore personality is forever changeable (Cohen, 1979). Behaviour is simply a reaction to a stimulus which once learned becomes part of learned habit. It was also believed learning occurs through the reinforcement of certain aspects of the situation. Reinforcement is when something is added to the situation which makes the same reaction in that situation more likely in future (McInerney, 1998). The belief was that most of behaviour is a result of what has been learnt, which is to say that it is the result of the environment rather than biological influences. Therefore the study of learning and the conditions under which it occurs is the core project of behaviourism (Tennant, 1997) Behaviouristic therapy is aimed at the modification of behaviour especially undesirable ones by mainly reinforcing the desirable behaviour and suppressing or punishing the undesirable and unwanted behaviour. Once the therapist has identified the behaviour and triggering factors they may employ several techniques to condition or recondition the person's behaviour. These methods of therapy have been derived and adapted by experiments done by earlier behaviourists such as Pavlov, Watson and Skinner. Methods used today Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt ) Essay Katie Empson S00191137 Assignment 1: Essay COUN222 What treatment approaches (if any) would you consider for these characters and why? Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that explores the notion that an individuals thoughts, beliefs and interpretations about themselves and the situations they are placed in are directly associated with their emotional responses and behaviour (Otte, 2013); that is, an individuals cognitive functions have a strong influence over their feelings and behaviours surrounding specific situations rather than external factors such events or other people and so, CBT follows the belief that by changing or challenging the way in which an individual perceives their thoughts and feelings can significantly reduce their symptoms and improve their overall functioning and quality of life (Hofmann, Asnaani, Vonk, Sawyer & Fang, 2013). In CBT the patient is an active participant in the therapeutic process, collaborating with the therapist to modify their problematic behavioural patterns and to build new, healthy schemas. CBT is frequently used for the treatment of anxiety disorders (Otte, 2013). Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent class of mental disorders with a lifetime prevalence rate of 28.8% respectively (Hofmann & Smits, 2008). Anxiety is a negative mood state characterised by bodily symptoms of tension and apprehension about the future (Barlow & Durand, 2015). Although anxiety is a normal and often beneficial human Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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Personal Behavior Change Everyone has different challenge in his/her life ,and he/she may have different view on the same thing. Therefore, people will have different goals which they are eager to achieve. Based on what my life looks like and what I need in my life, my behavior change is to exercise at least one hour every day. The reasons why I choose this goal are because I want to spend some time relaxing from my daily life, and get the balance between education and occupation. Moreover, I expect to burn the fat in my body because I spend very little time for workout since I got a job. When I planned to accomplish this behavior change, I knew that challenges or difficulties would appear, I could not avoid them and I could not finish it easily. But I am the kind of person who likes challenge and I am not afraid of it. Therefore, I chose this behavior change. During the process of this behavior change, I met a lot of difficulties and I learn how to get balance well in my life. The first and the biggest difficulty is time because the time availability is limit for me. Because I have two summer classes and I need to work five days weekly, time is huge challenge for me during the process. My schedule looks like going school on the morning and working at the evening. Therefore, the only more content... After accomplishing this behavior change, I also find that there is a big potential ability for me and I believe that if I spend time and work hard, I can get through everything no matter how hard it is. And if I had chance to select a behavior to change, I would do the same thing again because it is full of challenges for me. But I would reduce the time for working or others so that everything can get balance if I continue to keep working on this behavior change. I will try my best to continue this behavior change because it will make my body strong and Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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Behavior Analysis Essay in order to form a unified science. These three behavior steps talk about how to analyze behavior in a way people can easily understand how behaviors are learned and depicting them. In the first journal article, discuss about the important issues in the behavior analysis. Staats said " the first detailed behavioral analysis of child development and how the parents are involved in such development (pg.307)." This quote is talking about the behavior on people's parenting skills and how to analyze the child's development. In doing so people can have a better sense on how to teach their children and see whether the children learns from their family. Staats said " PB program of psychologizing behaviorism rests upon the standard psychological tradition, accepting that traditional psychological terms somehow designate unitary phenomena worthy of scientific investigation." (pg.308 Isolating Phenomena for Scientific Study). This quote talks about how Staats program in psychologizing behaviorism is accepted in the psychology as a term in a phenomena scientific investigation. By psychologizing behaviorism we are able to evaluate the minds of children's actions and adults as well. more content... 309). This quote by Staats talk about behavioral repertoire has to do with personality and signs of proportion of life. Behavioral has to do with personality and the mood on people's emotion. I agree with Staat's research because behaviors come from people's personalities and the way they do doings around people or even not with people. It clearly to say behavior cannot often be contained unless the host can control their way of acting and subject to Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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Classroom Behavior Essay Would you be surprised to learn that in today's classroom children sometimes aren't learning due to behavioral issues? Teachers are attempting to teach classes in which students can be disruptive, disrespectful and defiant. Classrooms are often overcrowded which adds to the frustration of the situation. Teachers are often tempted to take the easy way out , using antiquated strategies that will usually not help the child to learn. In fact, some types of punishments can actually cause the child to become even more rebellious. The child can experience a sense of worthlessness after being punished again and again. Children do not act out because they are "bad." They act out in the hopes of receiving some kind of response or reward. In the more content... On the other hand, if that child fills the need for attention by getting into trouble at school, they will get into trouble. Skinner tells us that "non–reinforcement leads to the extinction of a behavior ." In other words if teachers figure out what the child is getting from exhibiting a particular behavior, they can then give that child the exact opposite of the expected response. If our response is consistent the child will eventually give up the behavior in lieu of another which yields more satisfying results. The reward system is sometimes turned around to reinforce poor behavior. Often, children who are misbehaving are looking for some sort of a reaction. It is possible that they believe that it is better to not even try than to try and fail. It could also be true that the only type of attention they receive comes from the instances in which they misbehave. Although as adults it may seem logical that one would avoid being singled out or chastised, children who have little sense of self worth will "take what they can get." Skinner calls his strategy for dealing with disruption "non– reinforcement." Skinner's theory claims that "non–reinforcement leads to extinction of behavior." By ignoring disruptive behavior, a teacher can extinguish it. Eventually, the disruptive student will realize that their behavior will not gain any response will seek another way to belong to the group. There are many Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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Reflective Essay On Student Behavior Initial thoughts: Ms. Rollison needs to understand that students behave differently which will require a different way to approach their behavior. In most cases, when a student is acting out it is due to something stressful they are experiencing. A young student does not communicate their wants and needs well, this causes them to express their emotion is not the best manner. When children need are not met they will misbehave more frequently. Therefore, Ms. Rollison will need to understand and have patience with the student because there is always a reason behind why the student is misbehaving. Final thoughts: Students behavior can be influenced by many things such as their cultural influences, living situation, and what they are exposed to. Ms. Rollison needs to be aware of the cultural influence that affects the student's behavior. Every culture is different and it influences how a student will interact and respond to authority. Culture can influence the way they talk with their peers, views on sharing, and the way they act all around. Having many students with different culture background leads to a diverse class with different views on how they act toward their peers. Ms. Rollison needs to approach the classroom with an open mind and interact with the kids and learn their behaviors. Moreover, she needs to learn what impact their behavior and understand that not everybody views the world the same because outside factors play a role in the student's behavior. Something that Ms. Rollison views as being impolite or rude, might be seen as something suitable in her student's culture. Understanding other students culture is extremely important because when she creates her classroom management plan, she will know what will be appropriate for her students. Question 2: What can Ms. Rollison do to increase the chances that her students will behave appropriately in class? Initial thoughts: There is many technique Ms. Rollison can use to help with her students behaving appropriately in the classroom. One technique she could use is at the beginning of the year ask the students what type of rule they would like to have in the classroom. The student will more likely obey the class rules because they had a part in Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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Aggressive Behavior Essay Aggressive Behavior Aggression is a behavioral characteristic that refers to forceful actions or procedures (such a deliberate attack) with intentions to dominate or master. It tends to be hostile, injurious, or destructive, and is often motivated by frustration (The Merriam–Webster Dictionary, 1995). For an individual, aggressive behavior is considered understandable and normal under appropriate circumstances, but when it is frequent, intense, lasting, and pervasive, it is more likely to be a symptom of a mental disorder. Likewise, aggression between groups, can be in the form of healthy competition, but can become harmful when unfair or unjust disadvantage or frustration is perceived, leading to hostility (Brown, 1986). more content... Likewise, Oltmanns, Neale, & Davison (1991) indicate that there is evidence of a genetically inheritable predisposition for psychopathy , possibly involving the autonomic nervous system, which is connected to emotion . This idea is based on studying psychopaths' particular adeptness at ignoring stimuli. Research has also supported the theory that psychopaths fail to appreciate the emotional significance of an event or experience. This, along with unwillingness or inability to "process or use the deep semantic meanings of language," may be causal in psychopaths' apparently subtle form of thought disorder. This apparent lack of central organization of behavior and logic may be a factor in the aggressiveness of their behavior (Oltmanns, Neale, & Davison, 1991). Furthermore, the family environment of psychopaths may contribute to their abnormal behavior. A lack of parental affection and severe parental rejection may cause influential adjustment problems. Inconsistency in discipline, and a failure of parents to teach children their responsibilities may additionally play a causal role in the development of psychopathy (Emery &Oltmanns, 1998). Finally, avoidance learning may contribute to psychopathy. People suffering from this disorder seemingly feel no need to avoid the negative consequences of social misbehavior. Therefore, they may have few Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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Essay on Behavior Change Theories and Strategies To begin with,a health practisioner may fascilate behaviour change in an individual with a health risk behaviour through the application of different behaviour change theories and strategies. In general,health risk behaviours are actions which may threaten an individual's health causing negative effects(Barkway,2009).Until the mid 20th century,global health threats were primarily a result of infectious and communicable diseases.However,recently in developed countries,health threats are now posed by diseases in which lifestyle play a role in the causation and or management of illness.For instance,the modifiable risk factors for coronary heart disease,a leading cause of disease burden are tobacco smoking ,high blood more content... (Gillam,Yates,Badrinath,2007).Likewise,for behaviour change,simply telling people what is good for them is not an effective stratergy.Four pre conditions are necessary for behaviour change to take place whicha are:one must want to change, believe one can change,believe change will have the desired effect and know how to change(Gillam,Yates,Badrinath,2007).An individuals subjective norms,attitudes,self efficacy,peer support and education too influence behaviour change(Commonwealth government of Australia,2010). The health psycology thereby, presents physological theories and models derived from theories to hypotheise and explain and predict behaviour and show how behaviour under observation is enacted.These ultimately result in strategies to help people overcome resistance to change behaviour and prevent relapse(Barkway,2009). Out of the many theories,only some have been mentioned below which are cognitive and non cognitive theories as well as transtheoritical theory and motivational interviewing. According to Simonich(as cited in Flipse,1997),theories concerning
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Essay On Behavioral And Emotional Disorders Behavioral and emotional disorders are on the rise in schools and are often present at early ages than previously seen. In the past these behaviors were more common to manifest or present in late middle school and early high school years. Now they are being seeing much earlier, which is leading educators, administrators, and politicians to seek information and assistance in many different ways. Not being the easiest to work with or have in a general education classroom setting or environment, these students; often lead to a knee jerk reaction by teachers wanting to remove these students from the room. When a student is struggling with reading, math or writing, they are not removed from those subjects, but given extra interventions and more content... Could early interventions help these students become more successful in the long run? Do the traumas experienced/suffered play a role in their long term out come? Do genetic behavior disorders differ from these behaviors brought on by traumas? How is trauma–informed care impacting the application of interventions and treatment? Could early interventions help with success? Behavior disorders present in many difficult in so many ways with a potentially endless antecedents; leading to the difficult task left to educators to predict, monitor, and collect the data along with the antecedent, which are often open to interpretation or subjective at best. Communities and Educational professionals are seeing a spike in schools with younger children exhibiting behaviors that would, in the past, not have been present until adolescence . This raises concern with everyone involved as to the preparedness to assist and provide services for these children and their families. Recent estimates place/predict between 3% and 6% of school children have emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) (Kauffman & Landrum, 2012). There is a noted rise in drug related births, which leads to a noticeable increase in emotional, behavioral and developmental deficits in both school aged and pre–school aged children. "As more young children enter early childhood programs, policy makers, researchers, and practitioners have found that many children lack the necessary social and Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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Behavioral Learning Theory Essay The Behavioral Learning Theory believes that behavior is learned from either the environment, the people in the individual's life, the media, or society as a whole. This theory contradicts the Biological theory, which states that criminals are "born to be bad" and that criminal behavior is inherited. The behavioral theory looks at the environment as well as society's impact on how an individual acts which might be the reason for criminal behavior. This theory blames the environment as well as the individual by saying it is a learned behavior and that it also was a choice they made. A basic assumption is that behavior is learned and modeled by individuals, groups, the media, and society as a whole. The theory explains why people more content... The writers of this theory believe that if more positive role models and more positive actions are taken then fewer crimes would be committed. I believe that it is an individual's personal attachment, commitment, involvement, bonds, morals, and values which indicates whether or not they will be criminals or not. There have been different types of surveys done to support the behavioral theory. One is that surveys have been conducted in the neighborhoods in which the most crimes take place. Some of the questions asked have been do the participants come from single family homes or homes with parents, what type music, television, and movies do they watch, and what type of goals do they have for themselves. Most of the surveys show that the individuals who come from single family homes and watch the most violent shows are the ones most likely to become criminals or have participated in criminal activity. I do not agree with the survey because there are many people who come from good homes who still participate in criminal activity by their own choice. I believe a weakness of this theory is that it does not explain why everyone commits crime . It also shifts the blame from the individual who committed the crime to the factors that may have caused the crime to take place. An example would be instead of the person who steals being blamed for the crime, the blame is then on the environment because it is a low Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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Essay On Behavior Analysis I am writing to give my highest recommendation Cleidys Taveras, for the possibility of been accepted into you Behavior Analysis Program. I have worked closely with students for over fifteen year and have loved every minute of it. I knew from the age of eighteen that my calling was to become a Special education teacher and help those students that are in need. My most rewarding experiences are associated to my career and the progress that my students have made. Been able to teach students with different disabilities have provided with the opportunity to learn, discover, and gain experience in the education filed. My experiences have provided me with the capability to make decision educationally that has changed my life, but more important has improved students and their families' life. My career path has been a process that provided me with knowledge on an every day basis. I started as a school aide, move to a paraprofessional, kept going as a teacher– student , to sub–teaching, to finally obtaining a Master in Special Education/General education with an Bilingual more content... The opportunity to become a Behavior analysis will help me learn focus and optioning different methods on managing behaviors that can be readily observed and measured. At the same time I will expose to specific studies that concentrates in measuring specific influences, such as the environment, on behavior, or look for new ways to solve behavior problems in specific audiences, such as school children or the elderly. Touro will provide me with all the knowledge, techniques, and information needed to excel in the Autism field. The Behavior Analysis program will expose me to improving my instruction, classroom management strategies, confidence and knowledge related to the Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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Emotional Disorder Behavior Essay Parents today face the dilemma of having a child with emotional or behavioral disorder. For small children, to have it is one thing, but to detect it is another. Since they are still growing up and going through stages such as the "terrible two's" and adolescence, you'd think that some of their behavior is normal and it's all a part of child development. It all depends on how one may look at it. If a small child were to have a severe tantrum and rip their toys apart, one parent may see it as a serious behavioral problem, while another may look at it as their child showing independence or leadership skills. Before seeking mental health assessment, parents must first look at the whole picture. Is the child having social issues at school? more content... One can tell if their child is experiencing delay in normal development form observing their child since they were infants. Are they unresponsive and refuse to reach to things babies normally react to? Alternatively, overly responsive and easily cry a lot? Parent who often question about their child's behavior should immediately call a pediatrician. Evaluations and/or screenings may be done upon their child to assess their behavior and emotions and therapy may be used to care for it. Personal Response: I chose to do this article because I think a child in my family may have an emotional or behavioral disorder. The symptoms listed I noticed my cousin experiencing also. He overly–responds and easily cries a lot. He is a hyper active child and throws numerous temper tantrums that don't seem normal. Causes for his behavior may be his father. His father is really home because he's in the navy, and he has many siblings and therefore may not be getting as much as attention he needs so he results in smashing, braking things, and using profound word during his outbursts. People like my aunt should read this article as well as others who may suspect their child of having an emotional or behavioral disorder. 5 Medical Terminologies: 1. Behavior – the manner of conducting oneself. Get more content on StudyHub.Vip
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