COU 630 6-2 Life Planning



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6-2 Worksheet: Life-Planning Workshop Department of Psychology and Counseling, SNHU COU-630-Q1287 Career Counseling 22TW1 September 31 st , 2022
COU 630 Life Planning Worksheet This life planning workshop worksheet provides practice for providing career recommendations to support clients. You will be providing recommendations in your career assessment report. 1. If you had several clients similar to your final project client, how might you develop a life planning workshop to support these individuals? What would be the necessary components? A workshop involving several clients will require some necessary steps to ensure that the clients are grouped correctly and have similar needs. The first thing would be to identify the lifetime goals. Create a self-assessment list where these clients can evaluate their strengths and areas of opportunity, skills, and vision. This information would be analyzed and grouped based on their similarities for planning purposes. Create an avenue where the participants can have an open conversation about everything and nothing to familiarize themselves with each other after a brief introduction. 2. What career counseling model might you use to assist in your life-planning workshop? How does this model support the purpose of the workshop? The social learning theory of career counseling will be appropriate as it focuses on how the development and experiences of individuals throughout their lives influence the career best suited for them. Another model would be the strength-based approach that focuses on talents, knowledge, dreams, and the encouragement to advance schooling to achieve goals. The strength-based model will support the workshop's purpose because it will encourage the clients to focus on their talents, knowledge, and dreams as they choose their identity as counselors. The learning theory will support the workshop as it focuses on inherited personal qualities, life circumstances, learning through consequences, and skills gained through work experiences. The clients will use their responses from section one and assess if their original idea still stands or if there has had any changes.
3. Goals: a. What might be the goals of the workshop? List at least 3 goals. How does each goal relate to the purpose of the workshop (i.e., what practical tools/resources do you want for them to gain)? The top three goals for this workshop would be  Client Assessment – The aim is for the client to identify their interests, values, personality, skills, and what they consider good ingredients for a promising career. This goal will create a platform for the participants to understand their desires.  Setting the clients up for success – This goal explores different academic and career opportunities based on their interests and skills. It will involve conducting informal interviews with various persons in the desired fields, conducting a career search, and gathering information from online resources. It would also include researching for relevant graduate schools or certifications required to push the clients to the next level.  Decision Making – The workshop aims for the participants to decide on the following steps to take while depending on their individual career goals, interests, strengths, and values for guidance. Some of the plans would include a statement as "In 1 year I see myself as..., in five years I would like to be …," and to achieve that I would need… Ultimately, the final decision is in the hands of the participants; however, creating a platform where they can self-evaluate, gain confidence, have access to speak with other people from various fields, the motivation to follow through each planning stage, and clarity of the most the essential information needed for career growth or change. b. What content would you want to cover? Give details for how each goal will be accomplished.  For the first goal, the interest, skills, and work values assessment found on assessments.aspx would be taken by each of the participants before the first day of the workshop. The interest assessment would identify a list of careers that might interest the client. The skills assessment would determine the technical and soft skills of the participants. Knowing that values are beliefs about what people consider important or desirable, it
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