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York University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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KINE 3030 Mock Midterm 1. A boat travels west at 50km/h 30 minutes before heading Southeast for at 40km/h 1 hour. What was the boat’s displacement in km? a) 31.41 b) 28.47 c) 38.37 d) Cannot be determined 2. A schoolgirl is completing a cartwheel. She is rotating about the ________ axis and moving along the ________ plane. a) frontal, sagittal b) frontal, transverse c) sagittal, frontal d) sagittal, transverse 3. When turning one’s head left and right, there is movement along the ______ plane. a) sagittal b) transverse c) frontal d) coronal 4. An alien has a mass of 200 kg on Earth. What is the alien’s mass on Jupiter which has a gravity of 24.79 m/s^2? a) 1962 N b) 2958 N c) 8.068 N d) None of the above 5. Which of the following is an example of a vector? a) torque b) distance c) weight d) gravity e) Two or more of the above are vectors f) All of the above are vectors  6. A blue ball is thrown parallel to the ground at a speed of 90 km/h on a platform that is 5 m above ground level. At the same time, a red ball is also thrown parallel to the ground at a speed of 50 km/h on a platform that is 4 m above ground level. Which ball will hit the ground first? a) The blue ball b) The red ball c) Both will hit the ground at the same time d) Cannot be determined 7. A torque of 20 N.m is applied by a wrench. Assuming the force was applied 30cm from the bolt, how much force was applied? a) 66.66 N
b) 6.66 N c) 600 N d) 6 N 8. A 75 kg man is measuring his weight on a scale that is 30cm wide and 30cm long. How much pressure is being applied on the scale? a) 8175 kPa b) 8.175 kPa c) 0.8175 kPa d) 735.75 Pa 9. A student throws a baseball and it hits the ground 30m away. When is the vertical velocity at its greatest? (assuming the projection and landing heights are the same and neglecting air resistance) a) Just after the start of the throw b) When the ball is 15m away horizontally c) Just before the ball hits the ground d) Two of the above e) All of the above 10. A student throws a baseball and it hits the ground 30m away. When is the horizontal velocity at its greatest? (assuming the projection and landing heights are the same and neglecting air resistance) a) Just after the start of the throw b) When the ball is 15m away horizontally c) Just before the end of the throw d) Two of the above e) All of the above 11. A basketball is rolling along the ground with a velocity of 10 m/s and stops after rolling for 7.5 seconds. At what is the basketball accelerating? a) 1.33 m/s b) 2.50 m/s c) -1.33 m/s d) -2.50 m/s 12. Which of the following is an example of a quantitative absolute angle? a) Measuring the angle between one’s humerus and radius/ulna b) Measuring the angle between one’s femur and tibia c) Measuring the angle of the tibia with respect to the floor d) A and B are true 13. A 50 kg woman is standing on a 0.15m by 0.3m scale. What is the weight of the woman? a) 10900 Pa b) 1.09 kPa c) 490.5 N d) 4905 N
14. A diver is spinning in midair at 15 rad/s and stops upon hitting the water. Assuming she starts spinning as she begins her dive, and hits the water 4 seconds after beginning her dive, what was the diver’s angular acceleration? a) 3.75 rad/s/s b) -3.75 rad/s/s c) 60 rad/s/s d) Cannot be determined 15. An individual is performing a bicep curl. Which of the following planes is the most appropriate for viewing the motion? a) Sagittal plane b) Frontal plane c) Transverse plane d) None of the above are appropriate 16. When attempting to estimate one’s neuromuscular activation, they would use an ________. When attempting to estimate one’s ground reaction force, they would use ________. a) force plates, EMG b) EMG, force plates c) force plates, force plates d) handgrip dynamometer, force plates 17. A father takes 15 minutes to drive his son from their home to York, 10 km away. The father then drives back home in 10 minutes. When he arrives back home, what was his average velocity over the trip? a) 40 km/h b) 48 km/h c) 0 km/h d) Cannot be determined 18. The wheels of a car are turning at a constant angular velocity of 12 m/s relative to their axles over a period of 12 seconds. What are the wheel's angular acceleration? a) 1 rad/s/s b) 12 rad/s/s c) 0 rad/s/s d) Cannot be determined 19. You are standing on a flat soccer field and are trying to throw a ball as far as you can. Assume you throw the ball with the same force, which of the following projection angles would be best for throwing it the furthest distance? a) 30 degrees b) 45 degrees c) 60 degrees d) It does not matter what angle you throw it at 20. Assume a car is moving at 20 m/s and is approaching a yellow light. The driver presses their breaks and comes to a stop to a stop after 4 seconds. What is the car’s acceleration over the breaking period? a) 20 m/s/s b) 5 m/s/s
c) 0 m/s/s d) None of the above 8. Solve for x in each of the equations below. Refer to Appendix A for help if necessary. a. x = 5 3 b. 7 + 8 = x /3 c. 4 × 3 2 = x × 8 d. −15/3 = x + 1 e. x 2 = 27 + 35 h. 7 × 5 = −40 + x i. 3 3 = x /2 j. 15 − 28 = x × 2 (Answers: a. 125; b. 45; c. 4.5; d. −6; e. 7.9; f. 8.9; g. 3.2; h. 75; i. 54; j. −6.5) 9. Two schoolchildren race across a playground for a ball. Tim starts running at a distance of 15 m from the ball, and Jan starts running at a distance of 12 m from the ball. If Tim’s average speed is 4.2 m/s and Jan’s average speed is 4.0 m/s, which child will reach the ball first? Show how you arrived at your answer. (See Sample Problem 1.1.) (Answer: Jan reaches the ball first.) 10. A 0.5 kg ball is kicked with a force of 40 N. What is the resulting acceleration of the ball? (Answer: 80 m/s 2 ) ADDITIONAL PROBLEMS 1. Select a specific movement or sport skill of interest, and read two or three articles from the scientific literature that report the results of biomechanical investigations related to the topic. Write a short paper that integrates the information from your sources into a scientifically
based description of your chosen movement. 2. When attempting to balance your checkbook, you discover that your figures show a different balance in your account than was calculated by the bank. List an ordered, logical set of procedures that you may use to discover the error. You may use list, outline, or block diagram format. 3. Sarah goes to the grocery store and spends half of her money. On the way home, she stops for an ice cream cone that costs $0.78. Then she stops and spends one-fourth of her remaining money to settle a $5.50 bill at the dry cleaners. How much money did Sarah have originally? (Answer: $45.56) 4. Wendell invests $10,000 in a stock portfolio made up of Petroleum Special at $30 per share, Newshoe at $12 per share, and Beans & Sprouts at $2.50 per share. He places 60% of the money in P.S., 30% in N, and 10% in B & S. With market values changing (P.S. down $3.12, N up 80%, and B & S up $0.20), what is his portfolio worth six months later? (Answer: $11,856) 5. The hypotenuse of right triangle ABC (shown here) is 4 cm long. What are the lengths of the other two sides? (Answer: A = 2 cm; B = 3.5 cm) 6. In triangle DEF , side E is 4 cm long and side F is 7 cm long. If the angle between sides E and F is 50 degrees, how long is side D? (Answer: 5.4 cm) 7. An orienteer runs 300 m north and then 400 m to the southeast (at a 45° angle to north). If he has run at a constant speed, how far away is
he from the starting position? (Answer: 283.4 m) 8. John is out for his daily noontime run. He runs 2 km west, then 2 km south, and then runs on a path that takes him directly back to the place he started at. a. How far did John run? b. If he has run at an average speed of 4 m/s, how long did the entire run take? (Answers: a. 6.83 km; b. 28.5 min) 9. John and Al are in a 15 km race. John averages 4.4 m/s during the first half of the race and then runs at a speed of 4.2 m/s until the last 200 m, which he covers at 4.5 m/s. At what average speed must Al run to beat John? (Answer: > 4.3 m/s) 10. A sailboat heads north at 3 m/s for 1 hour and then tacks back to the southeast (at 45° to north) at 2 m/s for 45 minutes. a. How far has the boat sailed? b. How far is it from its starting location? (Answers: a. 16.2 km; b. 8.0 km) William Perry, defensive tackle and part-time running back better known as “The Refrigerator,” weighed in at 1352 N during his 1985 rookie season with the Chicago Bears. What was Perry’s mass? (Answer: 138 kg) 2. How much force must be applied to a 0.5-kg hockey puck to give it an acceleration of 30 m/s 2 ? (Answer: 15 N) 3. A rugby player is contacted simultaneously by three opponents who exert forces of the magnitudes and directions shown in the diagram at
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