Week 2 Discussion 1:
For this week my topic of discussion will be a Mormon not being able to attend a party due to alcohol
being present. Due to religious briefs taught to them through Word of Wisdom, they cannot consume
alcohol so they don’t want to put themselves in a situation thought could cause temptation.
Mormons do not drink alcoholic beverages.
Going to the party with alcohol present will violate their religious beliefs. (P2)
So, they will not be attending the party. (Conclusion).
This conclusion follows the premises that they will not attend the party because it is against the Mormon
religious beliefs. The premises also concludes the reason for not going to the party, they do not drink
alcohol. It would also violate the Mormon religious obligations to abstain from harmful substances, such
as alcohol. With, this is a valid argument that they will not be going to the party.
Why Mormons Don’t Drink Alcohol, Tea, and Coffee | Pacific.LDS.org (churchofjesuschrist.org)