How does Cooper (2019) define
medical pluralism
. How is this
practice related to power?
Medical pluralism refers to the medical practice that is given to each social
class following the social hierarchy scale rather than medical care being
readily distributed to both the rich and the poor. This practice is related to
power because the higher your place is in the social hierarchy the more
powerful of a treatment you receive both institutionally and economically
compared to less privileged social groups
Which of the four "traditional" healers presented in the Hampshire
article did you find most interesting, and why?
Out of the four traditional healers Dr. Sahara interested me the most because
of the way he would integrate his traditional healing methods following his
generational teachings with the modern science that he studied to provide a
tradiontally modern way of healing for his patients who found it more
effective and cleaner at the same time
Based on this week’s readings
propose a discussion question that
could be discussed with fellow students and your TA in tutorial.
How would the four traditional healers compare in terms of difficulties when
compared to a social hierarchy?