Purpose of Church



Grand Canyon University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Jan 9, 2024





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The purpose of the church is one body, a single body all believe in the in the grace and gift of Jesus through salvation. We see in Acts 2:42-44 "And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. ... And all who believed were together and had all things in common." Through this idea of being all one body and giving more when you have more creates a unity that our world says is quite the opposite. Now there can be little different beliefs but the one belief that is not to wonder and what makes the unity true is the justification and sanctification through Christ, Christ alone. This shows and helps us practice that everyone in the church is equal in the body, the youth, the children, the adults and the elders. There is no separation that can pull us apart or that will if we remain on the belief that we all believe that Jesus is our lord and savior. This can put into practice by bringing the youth, the youth leaders on the same page as the church and allowing them to understand the beliefs, to express their opinion and so much more. The question we have to ask ourselves is do we believe they are the future of the church or not? If we say yes, why are they not more involved in .more of the church, why is the youth often is side ministry and never included. According to Cannister (2018), the purpose and nature of the church is to live in community with one another with the calling to, build up (Eph. 4:29, care for (1 Cor. 12:25), comfort (1 Thess. 4:18), confess to (James 5:16), encourage (1 Thess. 5:11), honor (Rom. 12:10), pray for (James 5:16) among others (pg. 145). Grand Canyon University (2023) further states that church is an important place for community and belonging focusing on discipleship and spiritual formation. There are also several analogies presented about the church the church as a body, a bride and a pillar and foundation of truth. The body analogy focuses on the interconnectedness of the members of the church emphasizing that each person has a distinct role to play. The bride analogy is meant to emphasize the relationship that Christ has with the church full of love, commitment, and intimacy. Finally, the role the church plays in sharing God’s word with the world is highlighted through the pillar and foundation of truth analogy. As youth leader these functions must also be present in our practices with the ministry. “By understanding the nature and purpose of the church, emphasizing community and belonging,
prioritizing discipleship and formation, embracing worship and sacraments, and fostering missional engagement, youth ministers can create transformative experiences for young individuals, equipping them to navigate the challenges of life, grow in their faith, and actively participate in the mission of the church” (Grand Canyon University, 2023, pg. 3). Youth ministry is a significant part of the church and needs to be seen this way by all congregants.
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