How does diminishing bias in the professional learning experience exemplify Christian worldview concepts of contributing to the common good and promoting human flourishing?
Though I am not a Christian, as a Muslim that believes in all of the Holy books and God's prophets I know that all prophets preached God's words about contributing to the common good and promoting human flourishing. This includes diminishing all sorts of evil that negatively impact our lives. Thus, diminishing bias in the professional learning experience exemplifies all Abrahaic faiths. Doing so ensures that honesty and trust remain intact among all involved parties. In return this creates a working environment of respect and reliability. “It takes the cooperative efforts of many people to establish and maintain the common good. Maintaining the social conditions from which we all benefit depends on the cooperative efforts of every citizen, just as keeping a park clean depends on each user picking up after themselves. In the long run, however, these efforts bear fruit because the common good is something that all members of society can access, and who cannot easily be excluded from benefiting from it” (Velasquez et al., 1992).
Velasquez, M., Andre, C., Shanks, T., Meyer, M., & Meyer, S. (1992). The Common Good - Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
. Santa Clara University. Retrieved January 3, 2024, from