Chapter 14-15 in-class assignment By Ricardo Cervantes



Ivy Tech Community College, Indianapolis *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Ricardo Cervantes Introduction to ethics Instructor: Mr. Witucki In-class Writing assignment Chapter 14-15 April 20, 2023 1. I believe that both options are bad as it shifts responsibility from perpetrators due to the unlikely hood of being found guilty if a lower standard of evidence is used. Along with this standard of evidence I also suggest that using a higher standard of evidence would be problematic as it allows the perpetrator of the assault to not be found guilty due to not enough evidence being built upon in case for them to be held responsible and accountable for the sexual assault. Both options end up defending the guilty through different means. A 1. The main view of the documentary is to depict the variety of ways into how African Americans were unfairly discriminated against in different periods of history. During the opening days of slavery many African Americans were discriminated against through the methods of unfair imprisonment and harassment by the deeply racist south. The documentary then shifts into modern periods of history with how the African American community was impacted with the introduction of drug crime. The documentary also focuses on the heavily increasing population of federal prisons in America due to the high number of race-related incarcerations. Along with all previously mentioned information the documentary details the political strings that were being pulled to discriminate against the African American community during these race-related imprisonments.
2. No, pandering to one demographic of people would lead to problematic arguments over favoritism in society. No specific group of people should be put above everyone else in priority or importance. The group with strong affirmation would feel insulted themselves as they don’t want special royalties that accommodate them over the rights of others. Strong affirmation wouldn’t apply well to this situation. 3. A solution to this problem would be to reduce the number of discriminatory policies or actions implemented against the African American community which would apply to the affirmative action theory. Other solutions to this problem would be to background check police officers with past cases of police brutality and abuse to prevent them from being transferred to another police district. A third solution would be to increase the amount of funding and support towards impoverished neighborhoods to limit the amount of crime that possibly occurs in those areas which in return would lead less to mass imprisonments and stop prisons from overflowing which would also lead to prisoners having access to higher quality of life improvements in the prisons that they reside in. all of these solutions apply to the rule of affirmative action.
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