I enjoyed reading your post this week. I think you did a great job analyzing statesmanship in public administration and the role it plays. I think statesmanship is vital in the realm of government and public administration. Since statesmanship has a certain level of ethics and morals attached to it, I find that having those characteristics inside government and other places essential. "Ethical perspectives provide a framework of values by which to make decisions for society (and organizations)" (Fischer, 2010. p. 15). Holding to the Constitution and making morally right decisions for their followers is one of the most ethical things a public administrator can do. While ethics is an important characteristic to have, the other
characteristics that make up a statesman are just as important. Someone could not be considered a true statesman if they are lacking in any of those areas. You mention in your post that the Bible "extols the value of wisdom and the importance of seeking counsel" and I agree that those should be applied to the role of a public administrator. Proverbs 19:20-21 states. "Listen to counsel and accept discipline, that you
may be wise the rest of your days. Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand" (New American Standard Bible, 1971/1995).
Fischer, K. (2010). A Biblical-Covenantal Perspective on Organizational Behavior & Leadership. Scholars Crossing. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/gov_fac_pubs/523/
New American Standard Bible. (1995). Thomas Nelson. (Original work published 1971)