Learning activity 1.1_ Philosophy questions and theories
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7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Starting your philosophical trek
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Nothing is a waste of time if you use
the experience wisely.
– Auguste Rodin
/ 0:35
/ 0:35
The Thinker
, a bronze figure by French
sculptor Auguste Rodin
What you will learn
After completing this learning activity, you will be able to:
explain the main fields of philosophy and the types of questions they address
describe the main periods of philosophical development
name prominent philosophers in each philosophical period
outline the philosophical inquiry process
recognize bias and identify domains of truth
7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Why study philosophy?
This phenomenon might just convince you ...
Are philosophers the world over involved in an elaborate scheme to link everything to
philosophy or is there something else going on here? Why do you think the previous
Wikipedia activity works? What does it mean? Why is it important?
Wikipedia suggests an answer:
7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
There have been some theories on this phenomenon, with the most prevalent being the
tendency for Wikipedia pages to move up a “classification chain.” According to this
theory, the Wikipedia Manual of Style guidelines on how to write the lead section of an
article recommend that the article should start by defining the topic of the article, so
that the first link of each page will naturally take the reader into a broader subject,
eventually ending in wide-reaching pages such as Mathematics, Science, Language, and
of course, Philosophy, nicknamed the “mother of all sciences”.
— Wikipedia:Getting to Philosophy.
(2022, March 31). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedi
It appears that all pursuits of knowledge eventually lead back to philosophy: there’s
nothing philosophy doesn’t touch. In this light, you might consider a course in
philosophy as an apprenticeship in thinking about those questions that are
fundamental to the human experience.
Philosophizing with Bertrand Russell
Searching for “The
Value of Philosophy”
Twentieth-century British
philosopher Bertrand Russell offers
many great thoughts on why one
should study philosophy in “The
Value of Philosophy,” a chapter in
his book The Problems of
(1912). Seek out a
copy of this book, and take some
time to read this chapter.
If you are looking for the book
online, Project Gutenberg or the
Internet Archive are good places to
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7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Philosophic questions: What is reality? Is truth
relative? What is the meaning of life? I think, therefore
I am?
What is philosophy?
As a first step in trying to answer these
fundamental questions, here’s an
exercise that will give you a direct
experience of what philosophy is about.
Pondering your favourite unanswered questions
Move to another room, take a walk, or just sit back. Contemplate questions about
the world that are interesting to you, and jot these questions down.
Pick one of the questions you came up with and provide an answer. Record your
answer and a reflection on this activity in the “
Philosophical Question and
Reflection (../assets/locker_docs/hzt4u_01_question_reflection.pdf?
document. Make sure to save your work as you will be submitting this document
at the end of Learning Activity 1.2.
Defining philosophy
You have just been engaged in the heart of philosophy: asking a question important to
you and coming up with an answer or theory. That is the process. But what else can
we say about the nature of philosophy and what it means?
The word philosophy comes from the Ancient greek philosophia
meaning “love of
knowledge/wisdom” (
= “loving” + sophia
= “knowledge/wisdom”).
As you begin your apprenticeship as a philosopher in this course, it can be helpful to
see how some prominent philosophers defined philosophy. Select each philosopher to
reveal their view.
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Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Plato (Ancient Greek philosopher)
"For wonder is the feeling of a philosopher, and philosophy begins in wonder."
Aristotle (Ancient Greek philosopher and student of Plato)
"Philosophy is the science which considers truth."
Arthur Schopenhauer (German philosopher, 1788–1860)
"A man becomes a philosopher by reason of a certain perplexity, from which
he seeks to free himself."
Alfred North Whitehead (British philosopher and
mathematician, 1861–1947)
"Philosophy begins in wonder. And, at the end, when philosophic thought has
done its best, the wonder remains."
Ludwig Wittgenstein (Austrian philosopher, 1889–1951)
"Philosophy aims at the logical clarification of thoughts. Philosophy is not a
body of doctrine but an activity. A philosophical work consists essentially of
elucidations. Philosophy does not result in 'philosophical propositions,' but
rather in the clarification of propositions. Without philosophy thoughts are, as it
were, cloudy and indistinct: its task is to make them clear and to give them
sharp boundaries."
7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Traditional answers to the questions “What is philosophy?” and “What does it mean to
philosophize?” go something like this...
Philosophy is an activity of study that arises out of our wonder of the world. It focuses
on fundamental questions concerning reality, knowledge, and life.
One way of summarizing the philosophic project is to see it as an ongoing exploration
of three interconnected questions:
What exists?
How do we know?
What matters?
These three questions run through the main fields, branches, or divisions of
Fields of philosophy
Philosophy today is usually divided into particular fields. Seven of the most common
fields found in academic philosophy are introduced here. You will encounter each of
them in this course. Keep in mind that there is significant overlap between fields, and it
is not uncommon for philosophers to make arguments that reference many different
areas of philosophy.
Philosophy of
Social and
Logic examines our principles of reasoning in
relation to truth. It asks questions such as these:
What counts as a valid argument?
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7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
What tools are used in any argument?
Metaphysics examines the nature of existence
and the basic structure of reality. It asks "big"
questions, including these:
What exists?
What is the world made of?
What is God?
What is the meaning of life?
Why is there something rather than
7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Single flower blooming with a cross-sectional view of a
network of roots more than 20 times the size of the flower.
Epistemology examines the nature of
knowledge, limits to knowledge, and justification
of beliefs. It asks questions such as these:
What does it mean when we say we
“know” something?
What is possible to know?
Is knowledge universal?
Can we find or possess truth?
How can we obtain knowledge?
7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Philosophy of science
Philosophy of science examines questions
focused on the foundations, processes, and
impacts of science, such as these:
What counts as science?
What are the features of the scientific
method? What are the aims of science?
How should scientific results be
Coffee cup next to napkin with the word 'ethics' written in the
center and branches drawn outward that each end in
concepts related to ethics: morals, dilemma, trust, religion,
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7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
good/bad, wrong/right, evil, justice,questions, concern, code,
choices, philosophy, life
Ethics examines how we should live our lives
and treat other people. It asks questions such as
How should we conduct ourselves?
What is the best way to live?
What is good behaviour?
Are there universal standards of
When is it acceptable to lie?
Social and political philosophy
Social and political philosophy examines the way
society organizes itself. It asks questions such
as these:
What is justice?
Why do we have governments and laws?
How can societies provide for human
What are the shortcomings in our own
society and how can we deal with them?
What is power?
Who should rule?
7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Aesthetics examines questions related to art and
beauty, such as these:
What is art?
What is beauty?
What role does and should art play in
Keep in mind
Most disciplines have their own field of philosophy that examines their core
There is, for example, a philosophy of each of these:
These specialized fields of philosophy help each discipline understand itself
more fully.
Knowledge check
Match the field of philosophy to the question it is most related to.
7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Social and political philosophy
Philosophy of science
Main philosophical periods
As an academic discipline, the study of philosophy can be approached not only by
focusing on specific fields, but also chronologically, by examining philosophical
developments over time.
The history of philosophy asks important questions about how particular ideas or
schools of philosophy emerge in their historical context:
How can changes in philosophy be accounted for historically?
What drives the development of thought in its historical context?
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Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Exploring the philosophical timeline
To get a sense of the main philosophical periods and the philosophers
associated with them, do some research on the following:
The history of philosophy
The main periods of philosophy
The timeline of philosophy
If you are doing online research, the entry for “philosophy” in the New World
Encyclopedia (https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Philosophy)
good to check out, as is the historical period information on the Philosophy
Basics (https://www.philosophybasics.com)
Consider creating a timeline of philosophers that you can continue to add to
throughout the course. For now, you may want to focus on including periods or
philosophers that you think are particularly interesting. You can draw your own
colour-coded timeline on paper, or you can go to the Tiki Toki (https://www.tiki-
website to create your own free interactive multimedia timeline that
permits you to add text, images, audio, and video!
As you researched the main philosophical periods, you will have found explanations of
the historical context of both Eastern/Asian philosophies and Western philosophy.
Keep the following in mind as you continue on your voyage as an apprentice
There is no division between eastern or western philosophy when it comes to the most
basic questions of what it means to be a human being. The fundamental purpose of
philosophy is to find meaning in one’s life and purpose to one’s path, and there is no
major difference between eastern and western philosophy according to that
— Mark, E. (2022, April 22). Similarities Between Eastern & Western Philosophy.
World History
Encyclopedia. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/855/similarities-between-eastern--western-ph
7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Philosophical inquiry
Philosophy has a basic method of inquiry, one that will be very familiar to you even if
you’re not aware of it.
Choosing what to wear, how to act, or what you’re going to have for dinner all
incorporate this process of philosophic inquiry:
1. Asking questions
2. Gathering information
3. Reasoning
4. Forming and defending a conclusion
1. Asking questions
All philosophic inquiry starts with a question that you want to find an answer to. The
question doesn’t need to be “deep,” so long as it is interesting to you and its goal is to
determine truth and knowledge. Asking a question of interest is exactly what you did at
the beginning of this learning activity, and in the previous section you were introduced
to some of the basic questions philosophers ask in the seven different fields of
To ensure that questions can lead to answers about knowledge and truth, it helps to
put parameters or limits around them; that way, your philosophic inquiry doesn’t
wander aimlessly.
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Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
2. Gathering information
To answer your question, you need to gather information, ideas, and thoughts.
There are three sources of information to consider:
your own experience and thoughts on the question
direct observation of the situation you are studying (for example, what does it
look like, or how do people behave in the situation?)
comments from people who have already investigated the problem, usually
referred to as secondary sources
It is important to look for sources that are relevant and trusted.
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7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Tips for choosing credible sources
As you progress through this course and write reports and essays, you will have
to list your sources when you complete your written work. It is important that you
establish a set of criteria to judge the credibility of your sources.
For example, you should seek out respected and established websites for your
research. Look for websites that are accredited by government departments
(suffix “.gov”) or departments of education (suffix “.edu”). When researching
commercial sites (suffix “.com”), ask yourself if the information is fact or opinion,
check for bias, confirm the information with other sites, and look for
bibliographical sources that support the content presented.
3. Reasoning
Once you’ve collected information about a topic, you need to use reasoning to analyze
it. Reasoning is a particular type of thinking activity, which uses reasons or evidence to
support an idea. When you reason, you are consciously trying to make sense of the
world through an explanation as to why you think something is true.
Reasoning is not merely thinking of one thing after another. Reasoning depends on
one statement being supported by another.
Ensuring thinking or reasoning is true and accurate is of constant concern for
philosophers. Our minds can be led astray in many ways (such as faulty or fallacious
reasoning). You will take a deeper look at reasoning in the next section and in Learning
7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Activity 1.2.
Determine whether each of the following statements is an example of reasoning.
Select your answer, then click Submit
to learn if you are right!
Question 1 of 4
Most people like to follow laws and most people like order.
4. Forming and defending a conclusion
The final stage is to form a conclusion. You need to evaluate and determine the most
compelling and believable answer to your question. You should be clear about the
reasons that support your conclusion so you can defend your position to others.
7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
To learn how the inquiry process unfolds, explore the “
Example inquiry
.” It begins by
asking the question “What would happen if there were no laws?”
A closer look at reasoning
In the process of providing evidence to support an idea, our reasoning can go astray in
any number of ways. In the remainder of this learning activity and in the next one, you’ll
learn how to ensure your reasoning avoids common pitfalls.
Whenever you make a judgement, you compare what is being evaluated with a set of
standards. These standards are not always stated or completely clear. For instance,
which of the following pictures, if any, best fits the word “awesome”?
Extreme skier captured mid-jump in a flurry of snow. The tips of his skis appear to be
touching the sun’s rays. Majestic mountaintops extend to the horizon in the distance.
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7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
Take a minute now to think about why the image you chose best
represents the concept of “awesome.”
Recognizing bias
Your answer in the previous activity is based on a particular perspective or bias of what
“awesome” is or should be. This bias acts as the standard against which your
evaluation takes place.
Another way of expressing this is that your standard is based on the evaluation criteria
you use when you make a judgement. For example, when you reason about
propositions (statements considered to be true or false), you need to be aware of your
own bias or preferred perspective for your evaluation criteria.
Your evaluation criteria have a close relationship to what you understand “truth” to be
for any given context. In the previous example, your definition of “awesome” can be
seen as your attempt to describe the truth of “awesome,” which is how you chose the
picture that was most true to your definition of the word.
Formal study of truth will be taken up more fully in later learning activities which cover
epistemology. For now, it’s important to point out how misunderstandings can occur
when people have different criteria for evaluation.
Philosophers are generally very conscious of how easy it is to misunderstand
underlying assumptions unless they are stated clearly. They do their best to
define all necessary terms and criteria so that you can follow along and judge
their arguments based on a shared understanding.
That helps explain why philosophic writing can sometimes seem rather long-
winded and technical: philosophers want conversations to be productive from the
start, rather than getting bogged down with misunderstandings.
Much human conflict results from not understanding that we often use different criteria
for judging what exactly counts for truth. That’s the thesis of William Gardner in his
article “
Truth vs. Truths (../assets/locker_docs/hzt4u_01_truth_vs_truths.pdf?
7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
.” Take time
now to read through it.
As “Truth vs Truths” suggests, our criteria for truth or our bias is often unsaid or even
hidden. Examine a clip from the BBC TV documentary The Root of All Evil?
, and then
identify the domain of truth behind the argument made by Richard Dawkins (program
host) and by Pastor Ted Haggard.
Select your answer, then click Submit
to learn if you are right!
Question 1 of 2
The program host, Richard Dawkins, has a preference for which domain of
7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
The video showed that with no agreement on a criterion or standard, there is little hope
of a productive discussion toward an answer. Now apply what you have learned about
truth to this Shakespearean example.
Henry V:
Act 4, Scene 3
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother;be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.
Select your answer, then click Submit
to learn if you are right!
Question 1 of 1
Which domain of truth seems to be the preference of this speaker from
Shakespeare’s Henry V: Act 4, Scene 3?
Getting metaphysical and epistemological
The article “
Truth vs. Truths (../assets/locker_docs/hzt4u_01_truth_vs_truths.pdf?
” offers a clear
explanation of how bias can distort and drastically affect your ability to reason about
proposition statements. It’s also a good starting point to understanding some of the
most influential ideas in the fields of metaphysics and epistemology. You will be
referring to this article again in later learning activities.
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7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
To prepare yourself for the next learning activities, read the article again and consider
how you would react to the following questions (from the fields of metaphysics and
epistemology), given the four different kinds of truths mentioned in the article.
What exists?
What is the world made of?
What is God?
What is the meaning of life?
What does it mean when we say we
“know” something?
What is possible to know?
Is knowledge universal?
Can we find or possess truth?
How can we obtain knowledge?
For example, the metaphysical question “What exists?” when viewed in light of the
article becomes dependent on the domain of truth you are trying to answer it from.
From the domain of Mystica
, existence is dependent on faith, whereas from the domain
of Empirica
, existence is dependent on scientific facts. Both would be acceptable
answers within each of their domains of truth but would not transfer into the other
domain. The idea of one “existence” is put into question by the article as it emphasizes
that truth (which seems to be very closely related to existence) is dependent on
To prepare for the next learning activity and beyond, open your saved “Philosophical
Question and Reflection” document to review your response from the activity earlier in
this learning activity. Can you identify the following in your response?
Your bias
Your criterion or criteria of judgement
The domain of truth
Your conclusion
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7/4/23, 1:51 AM
Learning activity 1.1: Philosophy questions and theories
In this learning activity, you began your formal study of philosophy with an overview of
its main fields and periods of development as well as an introduction to the
philosophical inquiry process. Most importantly, you also began to practise the skills
that will improve your ability to reason.
In the next learning activity, you will continue to enhance your reasoning by learning
about and practising the skills of formal and informal logic.
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