Philosophy Exam Reveiw 5



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Oct 30, 2023





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philosophy 5 - 4th exam Study online at 1. What, accord- ing to Carens, is the liber- tarian argument for open bor- ders? The utili- tarian argument? The egalitari- an/Rawlsian ar- gument? People have rights, and the government is obligated to respect and protect these rights. people have a right to their own person and movement. immigration restriction violates this right, so immigration restrictions are wrong and we should have open borders the government is obligated to use its policies to create the most overall well-being (not just the most overall well-be- ing of its citizens). under universal principles of fairness and justice, we should have open borders. people behind veil would ap- prove because people would not know if they were an immigrant in need of crossing. In ideal circumstances, the government ought to run in ac- cordance with principles of justice reached in the original position from behind the veil of ignorance. 2. According to Carens, on what grounds can na- tions exclude people from en- tering? national security and public order, there needs to be clear evidence for this 3. What is Well- man's Freedom of Association argument in fa- vor of the idea that states have a right to restrict immigration as they see fit? "Just as an individual has a right to determine whom (if anyone) he or she would like to marry, a group of fellow citizens has a right to determine whom (if anyone) it would like to invite into its political community." •If we do not recognize the rights of groups like the Boy Scouts to determine it's own members, then the Boy Scouts will cease to exist. Our commitment to private groups thus entails a commitment to the idea that groups have the right to set guidelines as to who can and cannot enter. •We do typically think that states legitimately posses the right to determine their associations. •For example, we 1 / 10
philosophy 5 - 4th exam Study online at think Canada had the right to choose to enter or not enter NAFTA. •We also think that states have a right to protect their borders from hostile take over. Wellman grants that the most compelling rights of as- sociation are individual rights, not group rights. But he insists that groups nonetheless have a presumptive rights of association and that citizens have legitimate reasons to care about who does or does not enter their state and why. 4. According to Wellman, why is it not permissi- ble for states to restrict entrance on the grounds of race? I suggest that a country may not institute an immigration policy which excludes entry to members of a given race because such a policy would wrongly disrespect those citizens in the dis-preferred category 5. What is the re- source curse? Domestic turmoil: Countries with economies dominated by natural resources tend to be more: Authoritarian Prone to civil war Aggressive toward neighbors Having lucrative natural resources, which can hurt a coun- try's economic development 6. What is a "Schumpter Process?" What role does it play in explaining the resource curse? A Schumpter Process occurs when a) the citizens are empowered economically and b) those in power need money from the citizens to secure their power (i.e. to fund military, police, and the like). •"The executive empowers the citizens who have the money to sustain his (reduced) political power. The more money the executive need from citizens, the more political power he will have to cede (Wenar, 18). No taxation with- out representation. 7. What is Clien- telism? Principle of Governance in Resource Rich Nations Unemployed people tend to rebel. 2 / 10
philosophy 5 - 4th exam Study online at Resource rich countries will use the state to employ citi- zens and gain their loyalty 8. What ideological tactics do authoritarians in resource-cursed countries use to secure power? The autocrat will •play the drum of nationalism •start wars •present himself as venerable, even God-like •Run phony elections 9. Why, according to Wenar, was Norway able to avoid the re- source curse de- spite being rich in oil? "The government must do what the people want. Not sur- prisingly, this has mostly meant that the government uses the money for public goods—for goods that benefit the people. And so far at least, Norway's public good provision has been spectacularly succesful" (Wenar, 12) •Most of the oil money goes into pension funds •Norway has the higher spending on public health per person in the industrialized world •It's one of the few places in the world where a woman's income does not go down following a divorce •The country ranks first in the Legatum Prosperity Index, which measures economic opportunities and personal freedoms as well as health, education, and security 10. What is popu- lar resource sov- ereignty? What role does popular resource sover- eignty play in We- nar's argument for the adoption of clean trade policies? The idea that the people of a nation are the rightful owners of its natural resources The Goal of the Policies: A) To end the global trade in stolen natural resources and B) to support public ac- countability over resources everywhere. Countries adopt- ing these policies will disengage commercially from re- source-exporting countries where public accountability is absent and will support public accountability in countries where it is weak. The Clean Trade Act would A.Make the purchase of resources from a disqualified countries illegal B.Prohibit regime members and militants from disqualified 3 / 10
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philosophy 5 - 4th exam Study online at countries from entering or buying retail in the home juris- diction. It would also prohibit regime-controlled businesses from enlisting on the home country's stock exchanges C.Render resource contracts that regime members and militants are a part of unenforceable in the home country 11. What does We- nar's "Clean Trade Act" re- quire? The requirements should be clear and relatively uncon- troversial and we should do our best to ensure that the standards are not politically biased. There are already a number of systems for assessing or measuring the extent which a country honors civil and political rights. These include a. The World Bank b. The Resource Governance Index c. The Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index d. The Fund for Peace Fragile States Index e. The Social Progress Index f. The Freedom House Index Clean Trade States would work together to establish agreed upon standards for determining which states are disqualified. 12. What is a "Clean Hands Trust?" What problem is it supposed to address? Any country that passes a clean trade act can set up these trusts to protect property rights of peoples whose resources are being stolen these trusts are forged between any state passing a Clean Trade Act. Can be used to pressure countries not inside the trust to stop buying "dirty" goods Wenar thus recommends what he labels a "Clean Hands Trust." The basic idea of this Trust is to find a way to pay the Sudanese people a fair price for the oil that Americans are indirectly using. Thus, if China buys $3 billion worth of oil from the regime in Khartoum, the United States should place tariffs on Chinese imports until they have raised this amount of money, which should then be returned to the Sudanese people 4 / 10
philosophy 5 - 4th exam Study online at 13. In chapter 16, what objections does Wenar con- sider to his call for a Clean Trade Act and Clean Hands Trust? How does he respond to these objec- tions? policies will be bad for countries with poor citizens, who will not only be tyranized but will also be more destitute as well response: clean trade reverses incentives wenars response : interferenece w international affairs Wenar says it won't really interfere with international affairs because currently, human rights set limits on what regimes may do in their borders and popular resource sovereignty is a human right wenars response : clean trade will interfere w WTO wto only applies to trade, not stolen goods 14. What four prin- ciples for ac- tion does We- nar say support clean trade poli- cies? •Popular Resource Sovereignty and Private Property •Human rights •The Rule of Law •Peace 15. What, according to Wenar, are the advantages of ta- pering off, as op- posed to cut- ting, off purchas- es from authori- tarians? tapering signals the willingness to end commercial trans- actions with an offending regime, yet still permits the of- fending regime to change it ways. So, since the progress is more gradual when you taper off, the offending regime might, in theory, reform its political system and grant its citizens their proper civil liberties that they deserve. If the clean trade nation simply cuts off trade, there is no such opportunity to reform, and even if the leader would have reformed, the people are left without a significant source of trade revenue 16. Why does Wenar claim that current trade laws reflect the "Might makes right" rule? International trade laws are such that whoever gains con- trol of the natural resources is recognized as the rightful owner of these resources. 17. 5 / 10
philosophy 5 - 4th exam Study online at According to We- nar, in what ways does the resource curse curse those in the U.S.? (See chapter 6) • The U.S. routinely bank rolls its own enemies. • By supporting, and sometimes helping to install, authori- tarian leaders friendly to U.S. interests, the U.S. has made itself an easy target for hostilities, sparked civil conflicts, and helped create refugee crises. • The world is forgoing the possibility of "stable, prosper- ous, united countries." 18. Joseph Carens argues that there is a presump- tion against free migration (i.e., free migration is unjust unless showed to be otherwise). false 19. According to Carens, if you take serious- ly the freedom and equality of all individuals, then you should deny all freedom of movement across state bor- ders. false 20. Carens accepts the possibility that opening a state's borders could lead to massive immi- gration that caus- false 6 / 10
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philosophy 5 - 4th exam Study online at es chaos and a breakdown in state govern- ment. He argues that his possi- bility shows that there is no pre- sumption in fa- vor of freedom of movement. 21. Wellman argues that both individ- uals and groups can have rights. true 22. In his discussion of the egalitari- an case for open borders, Wellman argues that the only way to help victims of politi- cal injustice is by sheltering them in one's political territory. false 23. Which of the fol- lowing is not, according to Carens, a con- cern for all liberal egalitarians? freedom of speech 24. During his dis- cussion of Japan, Caren claims that in or- der to answer equally with 7 / 10
philosophy 5 - 4th exam Study online at the question of whether limita- tions on freedom of entry are jus- tified, we have to weigh the claims of those trying to get in _____ the claims of those who are already inside. 25. Carens accepts that it is pos- sible for the sudden opening of one country's borders to do more harm than good from a liber- al egalitarian per- spective. Howev- er, he argues that: in practice, feasible policy options will not entail major costs to current citizens. 26. Carens's main conclusion is that: liberal egalitarianism should almost always press for more openness toward immigrants and refugees 27. Wellman cites a number of "un- palatable impli- cations that fol- low from deny- ing a country's right to freedom of association," including: the inability to explain why it would be wrong to force Canada to join NAFTA the inability to explain why it would be wrong for the United States to forcefully annex Canada 28. 8 / 10
philosophy 5 - 4th exam Study online at Wellman accepts that there are other values be- sides the free- dom of associa- tion, such as: egalitarian values concerning the elimination of inequali- ties that make people vulnerable to oppression libertarian values concerning individuals' property rights and freedom of movement 29. In response to the worry that the freedom of asso- ciation could jus- tify immigration policies that ex- clude entry to members of a given race, Well- man claims that: such a policy would wrongly disrespect existing citizens who belong to that race 30. A central premise of Well- man's argument is that the state's right to freedom of association implies a right to _____ prospec- tive members: exclude 31. Wellman's re- sponse to the "egalitarian" ob- jection to the state's right to exclude is that states can ful- fill their du- ties to outsiders without allowing True 9 / 10
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philosophy 5 - 4th exam Study online at them into their territory 10 / 10

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