VCU syllabus statement
Health and safety
Public health information
Health advisories, including information about COVID-19 testing, vaccination, supplies and other public
health measures, can be found at
the Safety and Risk Management website
. Visit this site to stay
informed about recommendations for VCU and surrounding communities. Additional links to health,
wellness and safety information are on the
Life at VCU webpage
Campus emergency information
Sign up to receive at VCU Alerts
. It is essential to keep your information up-to-date within VCU Alert
and to keep your permanent address and emergency contact information current in
. VCU uses
a variety of communication methods to alert the campus community about emergency situations and
safety threats. Learn more about
types of alerts
online. Know the emergency phone number for the VCU
Police (828-1234), and report suspicious activities and objects.
Managing stress
Students may experience situations or challenges that can interfere with learning and interpersonal
functioning including stress, anxiety, depression, alcohol and/or other drug use, concern for a friend or
family member, loss, sleep difficulties, feeling hopeless or relationship problems. There are numerous
campus resources available to students including
University Counseling Services
(804-828-6200 MPC
Campus, 804-828-3964 MCV Campus) which provides brief therapy treatment,
University Student
Health Services
(MPC 804 828-8828, MCV Campus 804 828-9220) and the
Department of Recreation
& Well-Being (RecWell)
(804-828-9355). 24 hour emergency mental health support is available by
calling (804) 828-6200 or utilizing the
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(dial 988).
Mandatory responsibility of faculty members to report incidents of sexual misconduct
All VCU faculty members are Responsible Employees as defined by University policy. Responsible
employees have a duty to report alleged policy violations to the Title IX Coordinator. This includes incidents
of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating & domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, and related
retaliation. Responsible employees may report information through this form or by
. For confidential support, contact
University Counseling Services
, (804-828-
6200 for MP Campus/804-828-3964 for MCV Campus) For more information, visit
our Title IX webpage
Reading Day
No classes or exams are held on Reading Day (Wednesday, May 3, 2023) except in instances where a
student is involved in clinical and field placements, practica, co-ops, internships and other work-related
experiential learning activities. Faculty may not give an examination or an assignment on those days.
Instead, students are encouraged to use these days for relaxation, study and/or review of class materials.
Academic Success and Integrity
Honor System: upholding academic integrity
The VCU Honor System policy describes the responsibilities of students, faculty and administration in
upholding academic integrity. According to this policy, "Members of the academic community are required
to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty, ethics and integrity
at all times."
Students are expected to read the policy in full and learn about requirements
Early academic alerts
Early Notification Program
supports student success. If as an instructor I am concerned about
your academic engagement or performance in the first few weeks of class, you may receive a Progress
Report email encouraging you to reach out to me after class or during student hours (office hours) for
additional support. As a community of care, your
academic advisor
, the
Writing Center
, and
Campus Learning Center
may also follow up to provide additional layers of support.
Students with disabilities
VCU is committed to ensuring that all students maintain equal access to all aspects of the university,
including educational experiences through the provision of reasonable accommodations and academic
adjustments. In addition to being a requirement under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and
the Americans with Disabilities Act, this speaks directly to VCU's mission of inclusion, equity, and access.
To receive accommodations or other disability-related supports, students must register with the Office of
Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity on the Monroe Park Campus (828-2253) or the Division
for Academic Success on the MCV campus (828-9782). Students and faculty can visit the
Accessibility and Educational Opportunity website
and/or the
Division for Academic Success
for additional information. Once students have completed the registration process, they will be
provided with a letter of accommodation. They should provide a copy to their instructor(s) and attempt to
schedule a meeting to discuss the implementation of accommodations as early in the semester as
Career Services
Looking for ways to tie what you are learning in your class to your future career or professional goals?
Career Services
provides career planning services for all current VCU students and alumni. Career
Services can help students with finding a work-study job on/off campus, resume writing, internship
development, interviewing, preparing for graduate school, networking, or job searching. Students are
invited to attend career events and workshops, and schedule individualized career advising appointments.