Library Project- PAD



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Apr 29, 2024





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Nursing 150 Library Project Name:_ Allison Camacho __ Due Date: __ 11/13/2023 Topic: _ Peripheral Artery Disease _____ Nursing 150-Research Project Purpose: Compare professional and popular resources. Locate a scholarly, research article in the database and complete the three summary sections. Locate an internet website using a popular search engine. Evaluate the credibility of the information provided. Determine strategies to incorporate these resources into patient and /or community education. Both the scholarly article and the website should be on the same health topic. Topic : _ Peripheral Artery Disease _ 1. Using the Database : locate a scholarly article in this database on your topic. Limit the article to the last 5 years . ATTACH a copy of this article to the worksheet . Title of article: _ Disparities in peripheral artery disease care: A review and call for action _ Author(s), last name first: Demsas, Falen, Joiner, Malachi, Telma, Kate, Flores, Alyssa, Teklu, Semhar, Gyang-Ross, Elsie _ Title of publication/journal: _ Elsevier/Seminars in Vascular Surgery __ Date of publication: __ June 2022 ___ Vol/Issue: ___ Volume 35, Issue 2 _ Page #(s): 141-154 _ DOI# if available: _ N/A _ Database name: _ Science Direct __ Date retrieved: __ 09/13/2023 _ Purpose of the article (including a nursing diagnosis): The purpose of this article is to educate the public about the seriousness of peripheral artery disease, as well as educate the public about the warning signs of this disease, medical interventions, and the statistics of the individuals in the United States that have PAD. Finally, this article is intended to express the differences in the statistics on how PAD affects different races. Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective Tissue Perfusion (peripheral) related to reduced arterial blood flow due to atherosclerosis, secondary to peripheral artery disease, as evidenced by pain, diminished pulses, swelling, and fatigue.
Nursing 150 Library Project Supporting Ideas (Author’s main point and the patient care process): The author’s main point is to educate the public on the differences in peripheral artery disease between men and women as well as different racial and ethnic disparities. Another main point by the author states that men statistically are more likely to develop peripheral artery disease than women. The author also says that women who develop peripheral artery disease are more likely to be asymptomatic. In conclusion, the author states that the women who do develop PAD and are symptomatic are more likely to have more symptoms than men who have symptomatic PAD. Women’s ambulation is slow and unsteady compared to that of men, and women are more than likely to develop later in life onsets than men. Regarding racial and ethnic disparities, approximately 30% of Africa Americans will develop peripheral artery disease in their lifetime and they are more than likely to develop the disease in their early 60s. Diversely, 20% of Caucasian individuals will develop the disease in their lifetime at the age of 70. The author also shares in the article that African Americans are 1.5 times more likely to have peripheral artery disease than non-Hispanic white individuals due to having strong family histories of hypertension, diabetes, smoking, etc. Patient Care Process: Revascularization, exercise therapy, claudication, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, arterial reconstruction. Conclusions (Author’s results, conclusions and/or recommendations): The author’s results at the end of the article state how providers should aim to improve their diagnosing and care when it comes to peripheral artery disease. The author believes that providers should be aware of the differences in sex, race, and ethnicity that have significant impacts on disease prevention. The author also expresses at the end of the article that providers should provide comprehensive care with primary care practitioners to address unique patient circumstances. To conclude, the author states that providers should be willing to develop new technological tools that can bridge the gap between patients to improve vascular outcomes across all patient subgroups. (Attach extra paper if needed)
Nursing 150 Library Project 2. Using a popular search engine such as Google or Yahoo, locate your topic on an Internet website. Determine the quality of the information provided by analyzing the following: Complete URL: causes/syc- 20350557 (You can cut and paste the URL to a Word document and attach it to this worksheet if you want, please clearly label it for #2) A. Credentials of the source: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER) State evidence to illustrate that the source has the reliable authority to address this topic. B. Accuracy: What is the origin of the information? The origin of the information is accurate on the website source, Mayo Clinic, The Mayo Clinic website states many forms of information such as signs and symptoms, prevention methods, risk factors, complications, and treatments for peripheral vascular disease. All of the information was recorded by the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research and all of the information on the website is factual. Is it opinion or fact? Describe the data content to support your answer. This website is factual, This Mayo Clinic website not only lists an overview of Peripheral artery disease, and also shares pertinent information about signs and symptoms, risk factors, complications, and prevention methods. This website also educated the public on why it is important to see a medical professional while having the disease and it also states when you should see a physician. There was nothing on the website that stated anything opinionated. Everything on the website was founded and researched by a true medical educational foundation. C. Date of issue or revision: Is there a date? Yes Has it been revised, or reviewed? No If so, when? N/A Is the information in your opinion current? Yes
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