abbreviation list



Globe University, Middleton *

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Jan 9, 2024





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Common medical abbreviations 1. assistive range of motion 2. AAC augmentative and alternative communication 3. A.B.G arterial blood gas 4. a.c. before meals 5. A.D.L. activities of daily living 6. A.Fib. atrial fibrillation 7. AKA above-knee amputation or above-the-knee amputation 8. ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 9. AMA against medical advice 10. A&O alert and oriented 11. A/P anterior–posterior 12. ASAP as soon as possible 13. b.i.d. twice a day 14. BKA below-knee amputation 15. B.L.BS bilateral breath sounds 16. BMR basal metabolism rate 17. BP blood pressure 18. BR bed rest 19. bs bowel sounds 20. BS breath sounds 21. B/S bedside 22. bx biopsy 23. c ̅ with 24. CA cardiac arrest 25. CA, ca cancer, carcinoma 26. CABG coronary artery bypass graft 27. CAD coronary artery disease 28. cal calorie 29. cath catheter 30. CBC complete blood count 31. cc cubic centimeter 32. CC chief complaint 33. CHF congestive heart failure, chronic heart failure 34. CNS central nervous system 35. c/o complains of 36. COTA certified occupational therapy assistant 37. cont continue(d) 38. COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 39. CP cerebral palsy 40. CPAP continuous positive airway pressure 41. CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation 42. CRF chronic renal failure 43. CSF cerebrospinal fluid 44. CT computerized tomography 45. CV cardiovascular 46. CVA cerebral vascular accident 47. CXR chest X-ray 48. d day 49. d/c discontinue 50. DC discharge 51. DM diabetes mellitus 52. DNK do not know 53. DNKA did not keep appointment 54. DNR do not resuscitate 55. DNT did not test 56. DOA dead on arrival 57. DOB date of birth 58. DOE dyspnea on exertion 59. Dx diagnosis 60. ECC, EKG electrocardiogram
Common medical abbreviations 61. ED emergency department 62. EEG electroencephalogram 63. EENT eyes, ears, nose, throat 64. EMG electromyogram 65. ENT ears, nose, throat 66. ER emergency room 67. ETOH ethanol (alcohol) 68. exam examination 69. FH family history 70. fib fibrillation 71. f/u follow-up 72. FWB full weight bearing 73. Fx fracture 74. GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease 75. G/E gastroenteritis 76. gen general 77. gest. gestation 78. G.I. gastrointestinal 79. gluc glucose 80. GTT glucose tolerance test 81. Gt. tr. gait training 82. GYN gynecology 83. h hour 84. H/A headache 85. HAV hepatitis A virus 86. Hb. hemoglobin 87. HB heart block 88. HBP high blood pressure 89. HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, throat 90. h/o history of 91. HOB head of bed 92. H&P history and physical 93. HR heart rate 94. HTN hypertension 95. Hx history 96. ICCU intensive coronary care unit 97. ICU intensive care unit 98. IPPB intermittent positive pressure breathing 99. irreg. irregular 100. IV intravenous(ly) 101. K potassium, kidney 102. L left, liver, liter, lower, light, lumbar 103. L2, L3 second lumbar vertebrae, third lumbar vertebrae 104. lab laboratory 105. lac. laceration 106. lat. lateral 107. LBW low birth rate 108. L.E. lower extremities 109. liq. liquid 110. L.O.C. loss of consciousness, level of consciousness, laxative of choice 111. LOS length of stay 112. LP lumbar puncture 113. LPN licensed practical nurse 114. LUE left upper extremity 115. Lx larynx 116. L&W living and well 117. m, M married, male, mother, murmur, meter, mass, molar 118. MD muscular dystrophy 119. mdnt. midnight 120. med. medicine 121. mets. metastasis 122. MG myasthenia gravis
Common medical abbreviations 123. MI myocardial infarction 124. min minute 125. mod moderate 126. MRI magnetic resonance imaging 127. MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 128. mss massage 129. MVA motor vehicle accident 130. n. nerve 131. Na sodium 132. NAD no apparent distress 133. neg. negative 134. neur. neurology 135. NG nasogastric 136. NIC neonatal intensive care 137. NICU neonatal intensive care unit 138. NKA no known allergies 139. no. number 140. NOS not otherwise specified 141. NPO nothing by mouth 142. NSA no specific abnormality 143. NST nonstress test 144. N&V nausea and vomiting 145. NVD nausea, vomiting, diarrhea 146. N&W normal and well 147. NWB non–weight bearing 148. O2 oxygen 149. O2 cap. oxygen capacity 150. O2 sat. oxygen saturation 151. OA osteoarthritis 152. OB, OBG obstetrics 153. OB/GYN obstetrics and gynecology 154. Obs observation 155. OBS organic brain syndrome 156. ODD oppositional defiant disorder 157. O/E on examination 158. oint. ointment 159. O.M. otitis media 160. Op. operation 161. ot. ear 162. Oto otolaryngology 163. OTC over-the-counter (pharmaceuticals) 164. O.T. occupational therapy, old tuberculin 165. OR operating room 166. P 167. PA physician’s assistant 168. palp. palpate, palpated, palpable 169. Path pathology 170. PA view posterior–anterior view on X-ray 171. p/c, p.c. after meals 172. PD Parkinson’s disease 173. pdr. powder 174. PDN private duty nurse 175. PE physical exam, pulmonary embolism, pressure equalizer (tubes) 176. Ped. pediatrics 177. PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure 178. PEG percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy 179. PET positron emission tomography 180. PH past history 181. pharm pharmacy 182. PHYS. physical, physiology 183. PI present illness, pulmonary insufficiency 184. PICU pulmonary intensive care unit
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Common medical abbreviations 185. PID pelvic inflammatory disease 186. plts. platelets 187. P.M. afternoon, postmortem 188. PMH past medical history 189. PMR physical medicine and rehabilitation 190. PN poorly nourished, practical nurse 191. PNA pneumo, pneumonia 192. PNI peripheral nerve injury 193. PNX pneuomothorax 194. p.o. by mouth 195. p.o.d. postoperative day 196. pos. positive 197. post. posterior 198. POSTOP. postoperative 199. pot. or potass. potassium 200. PR proctology 201. pre-op preoperative 202. prep. prepare for 203. p.r.m. according to circumstances 204. p.r.n., PRN as often as necessary, as needed 205. prod. productive 206. Prog. prognosis 207. PROM passive range of motion 208. pron. pronator, pronation 209. prosth. prosthesis 210. PSH past surgical history 211. Psych. psychiatry 212. pt., Pt. patient 213. PT, P.T. physical therapy 214. PTA prior to admission 215. PTA pulse posterior tibial artery pulse 216. PUD peptic ulcer disease 217. PVD peripheral vascular disease 218. PVT previous trouble 219. PWB% partial weight bearing with percent 220. Px, PX physical examination 221. q every 222. q.h. every hour 223. q.i.d. four times a day 224. qt. quart 225. quad. quadriplegic 226. R, r right 227. R. rub, rectal temperature 228. RA rheumatoid arthritis, right atrium 229. rad. radial 230. RAtx radiation therapy 231. rbc/RBC red blood cell, red blood count 232. RCA right coronary artery 233. RCU respiratory care unit 234. RD respiratory distress 235. RDS respiratory distress syndrome 236. RE reconditioning exercise 237. reg. regular 238. rehab. rehabilitation 239. resp. respiratory, respirations 240. RF rheumatic fever 241. RLE right lower extremity 242. RN registered nurse 243. RND radical neck dissection 244. RO, R/O rule out 245. ROM range of motion, rupture of membranes, right otitis media 246. ROS review of symptoms
Common medical abbreviations 247. Rt. right 248. RT radiation therapy, respiratory therapy 249. RUE right upper extremity 250. RV residual volume 251. RW rolling walker 252. Rx therapy, prescription 253. S 254. s without 255. S sensation, sensitive, serum 256. Sa. saline 257. s.c. subcutaneous(ly) 258. Scc squamous cell carcinoma 259. SCCA squamous cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma antigen 260. SCD sudden cardiac death 261. SCI spinal cord injury 262. schiz schizophrenia 263. SCU special care unit 264. sec second 265. SH social history 266. SIDS sudden infant death syndrome 267. skel. skeletal 268. SL under the tongue 269. SLP speech-language pathologist 270. sm small 271. SNF skilled nursing facility 272. SOAP subjective, objective, assessment, plan 273. SOB shortness of breath 274. S/P, s/p status post (previous condition) 275. spec. specimen 276. sp. fl. spinal fluid 277. sp&H speech and hearing 278. spin. spine, spinal 279. spont. spontaneous 280. s/s signs and symptoms 281. SS social service 282. ST speech therapy 283. stat., STAT immediately 284. STD sexually transmitted disease 285. subcut. subcutaneous 286. subling. sublingual 287. sup. superior 288. supin. supination 289. surg. surgery, surgical 290. Sx symptoms 291. sys. system 292. Syst. systolic 293. Sz seizure 294. T temperature 295. T&A tonsils and adenoids, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy 296. tab. tablet 297. TAH total abdominal hysterectomy 298. TB tuberculosis 299. TBI traumatic brain injury 300. temp temperature 301. THERAP. therapy, therapeutic 302. THR total hip replacement 303. TIA transient ischemic attack 304. TKR total knee replacement 305. TO telephone order 306. TPN total parenteral nutrition 307. TPR temperature, pulse, respiration 308. tsp. teaspoon
Common medical abbreviations 309. Tx treatment, traction 310. U/A urinalysis 311. Unilat. unilateral 312. Ur. urine 313. URI upper respiratory infection 314. Urol. urology 315. u/s, US ultrasound 316. UTI urinary tract infection 317. V vein 318. VA visual acuity 319. vag vagina, vaginal 320. VC, vit.cap. vital capacity 321. VD venereal disease 322. VF visual fields, ventricular fibrillation 323. vit. vitamin 324. VN visiting nurse 325. VO verbal order 326. VS, V.S. vital signs 327. w, wk week 328. W/C, wheelchair 329. WBT weight bearing tolerance 330. WFL within functional limits 331. w/n within 332. W/o with out or wrote off 333. WNL within normal limits 334. wt. weight 335. w/u workup 336. x times 337. y.o. years old 338. yrs. years
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