Hello Class,
The methodology of EBP (Evidence-Based Practice) was originally made in the early 1990s by David Sackett. Sackett, along with other people authorized a series of articles to be published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. This was the result of an evidence-based medicine working group that described the process and recommendations for incorporating that evidence into the treatment for patients. With these article’s writers came up with the five-step approach to the EBP below. 1.
Ask questions
Find evidence
Evaluate the evidence
Implement the evidence
Periodically reevaluate the question or evidence
The EBP is important because it helps healthcare professionals make well-informed decisions while minimizing medical errors, stabilizing care procedures, and enhancing the nurse's professional credibility. Reference:
Amonette, W. E. (2016).
Evidence-Based Practice in Exercise Science
. Human Kinetics Publishers.