Neida Caro-Boone
Radiology Report
Patient Name:
Paulo Angelotti
: 11/28/-- Age: 56
: M
Patient ID: 000242
Referring Physician:
Dr. Robert Altman, MD
Date of Procedure:
Name of Procedure:
Portable AP, erect chest on 10/27/---- at 1755 hours
Clinical Information: Post central venous line placement. Please check PICC
line placement, inserted into right upper extremity.
Discussion: A PICC has been placed from the right upper extremity since the
last exam of 10/26/----. The distal end of the PICC is directed cephalad into
the right neck, presumably into the right internal jugular vein. There is a
somewhat limited degree of inspiration, a small idly fine hazy density that
overlies the lower left lung has developed since the prior exam of 10/25/----
and most likely represents subsegmental atelectasis versus early
pneumonitis. The lateral sulcus of costophrenic angles remain clear, the
heart size is magnified, but there is no pulmonary vascular congestion.
1. PICC tip directed into the right neck.
2. Hazy density in the left lower lobe, most likely representing subsegmental
atelectasis; follow up as advised.
Dr. Charles Tu, MD
c: Dr. Sandra Peebles, MD, Internal Medicine, Dr. Robert Altman, MD,
Pulmonary Surgery/Respiratory Medicine