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Apr 26, 2024





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AHS 200 Intro to Integrated Health Sciences Assignment #10 Readings: Health Care Quality Glossary, Project Integrate article (International Journal of Integrated Care) 1) Review the Health Care Quality Glossary pages 1-2 and pages 31-36. Be familiar with all the other pages in between including the different health terms and what they mean. This is a great resource for you to refer if you need the definition of a health term. a. Write a summary and takeaway message of pages 1-2 (5-8 sentences). The main takeaway of the article was to how to utilize limited resources and provide the best quality care at the same time. The main components to ensure maximum efficiency is communication and collaboration. Comparing health care internationally increases data and leads to the improvement of healthcare all around the world. For health data and information to be properly communicated and translated there needs to be a universal use of language. By ensuring all these factors we can improve health data and health care quality greatly for all people. i. What is the definition of “quality of medical care”? The quality of medical health care refers to the understanding and application of efficient healthcare and medical care which increases the improvement of health in patients. ii. What are the quality characteristics? Availability, accuracy, effectiveness, efficiency, safety, timeliness, satisfaction, stability, improvement, and timeliness. iii. How is quality measured? Quality is measured through evidence generated research and clinical practices to see the outcomes. iv. What are the quality standards? Quality standards are good management practices, methods, systems, requirements, guidelines, and certifications given to show and preform quality in healthcare. 2) Review Project Integrate article of the International Journal of Integrated Care: a. Please share a takeaway message or summary of what you learned? (3-4 sentences)
AHS 200 Intro to Integrated Health Sciences The article talks about how the usage of case studies in health service research has proven effective for understanding the organization and delivery of health care. The article addresses multiple case studies that were compared health care before and after integrated approach. The best method was the common mixed methods. The common mixed methods were a framework that helped tackle the challenges faced when working with integrated health care. 3) Research how COVID-19 affected hospitals/ healthcare organization’s quality improvement projects and initiatives. Did the pandemic bring about any new quality improvement ideas? (cite your sources) Quality improvement teams conducted many research and experiments post COVID-19 pandemic to treat patients with suspected or confirmed COVID- 19 and protect providers. They organized groups to initiate procedures for airport and travelling safety, patient transport, protection equipment, and pharmaceuticals in limited supply. They also increased the number of team meetings in order to make sure all data and quality is up to date. They also developed online communications and informational sessions for all healthcare providers to make sure they did all the procedures safely and up to date. The COVID-19 epidemic has improved and altered how primary care treatment is given in medical areas. Providers reduced appointments to reduce the possibility of spreading of the virus to their patients and others. https://www.ccjm.org/content/early/2020/06/01/ccjm.87a.ccc041
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