Lab 1 MET143



Purdue University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Mechanical Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by BarristerGalaxy12322

Lab # ___1___ MET 143 - _T-9:30_ _Kim, Alex_ 1/3 Lab Day-Time (X - X:00)↑ ↑Last Name, First Name Page #’s ↑ _Mulkey, Cian_ ↑Last Name, First Name _Siurek, Blake_ ↑Last Name, First Name ________________________ ↑Last Name, First Name LAB 1 – “Hardness Test”
Hardness Test Hardness Results (include appropriate hardness label with number, i.e., 38.2 HRE) Aluminum, HB 102 HB Aluminum, HRK 78.5 HRK Aluminum, HRB 60.8 HRB Steel, HB 192 HB Steel, HRG 72.8 HRG Steel, HRA 56.5 HRA A. What were the indentor-load combinations used for each of the four Rockwell tests. Include the scale letter with its combination. HRK uses a 150 kg load and a ⅛” diameter steel sphere. HRB uses a 100 kg load with a 1/16” diameter steel sphere as well. HRG used a 150 kg load as well with a 1/16” diameter steel sphere. HRA use don;y a 60 kg load with a 120 degree diamond brale. B. Why are so many different load and indentor combinations available for hardness testing? Different materials require different indentor geometries and loads to accurately display a detent used for hardness testing. Some softer materials might become impacted too much from higher loads. C. Explain why the HRK and HRB values for the aluminum sample are different from each other. Which one is higher/lower? Why? They are different because the loads for the two tests are different from one another and the diameter of the steel sphere is also different.
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