Leeann New Force Field Analysis



Western Governors University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Mechanical Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by MinisterPencilHamster

JOY IN THE WORKPLACE FORCE FIELD ANALYSIS Score (1-5) Facilitating Forces for Recommendation Recommendation Restraining Forces against Recommendation Score (1-5) 3 Have a suggestion Google form for staff. Collaborate with administration to facilitate open communication necessary for staff to feel supported. Administration micromanaging with no insight from staff. 5 5 Have the principal volunteer to work a day in a classroom. Administration stays in their office at a time of staff needs. 5 5 Have the classroom staff volunteer to work a day as the principal. The administration does not attempt to recruit more staff. 4 3 Allow scenarios for role- playing during staff development days. The administration is allowed to work from home, even though all Covid restrictions have been lifted. 1 4 Have a yearly staff appreciation dinner/meal. The administration tells staff what they have to do on staff development days instead of giving the staff options to choose from. 3 Facilitating Forces Total Score: 20 Force Field Analysis Total Score: 2 Restraining Forces Total Score: 18
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