AHS 250 Test 1



Midlands Technical College *

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Apr 3, 2024





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AHS 250 Quiz 1: 1. Bioethics is concerned with ethical implications of biological research methods and results 2. A pledge for physicians that remains influential today is Hippocratic oath 3. Etiquette rules used in the workplace are called protocol 4. Unethical behavior is always unacceptable 5. Which of the following is considered a technical skill? Computer literacy 6. A health care practitioner completes a course in law and ethics. In this field of study, Which of the following reasons should be most important to health care professionals? To help avoid legal entanglements 7. Written codes of ethics for health care practitioners evolved primarily to serve as moral guidelines for those who provide care 8. Which document serves as a guideline about professional behavior and etiquette for employees? The facility policy manual 9. The first step in critical thinking problem solving is to identify and clarify the problem 10. The health care professional who studies law and ethics gains perspective on current issues that affect health care practice. Which of the following accurately describes one of those issues? With the advancement of medical technology, patients expect favorable outcomes 11. What do professional organizations create to govern their members? Code of ethics 12. Law may be defined as rules of conduct 13. Ethics may be defined as principles, standards, and a guide to conduct 14. A student medical assistant doing his or her internship in a physician's office refuses to wipe up a spilled drink in the exam room hallway because he or she believes housekeeping is not part of his or her job description. The student is demonstrating the absence of which quality deemed necessary for successful health care practitioners? Common sense 15. A precedent is a(n) case that serves as a model for future cases AHS 250 Quiz 2: 1. A housekeeper at a local hospital has worked her way up to housekeeping supervisor. But as she thinks about her future, she realizes that she only works to be recognized and have responsibility. She determines that she is not recognized for her work and decides to go to a nursing school. At what stage might she be in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? Esteem stage 2. A physician running a busy practice makes decisions for his employees on a regular basis. The physician would describe himself as a "moral man with common sense, a sense of justice, and courage who makes the right decisions in life by focusing on these moral traits." What theory of decision making is being employed by this physician? Virtue ethics
3. A doctor prescribes a placebo for a patient who he feels is complaining of pain that is not there. This is an example of a violation of what principle of health care ethics? Veracity 4. Psychologists question how individuals develop values that guide them in ethical decision making. Which of the following reflects current thought on value development? When people are born, they have no values in place 5. A child tells a nurse that he stole money from his mother's purse because he needed to buy some candy. He also states that he knows what he did was wrong and will not do it again. Based on this conversation, what stage of moral development would this child be experiencing? Formal operational stage 6. Which of the following theorists believed that human behavior is based on specific human needs that must often be met in a specific order? Abraham Maslow 7. A physician is caring for an indigent 37-year-old male patient with no health insurance, who is admitted to the hospital with acute pancreatitis related to alcohol abuse. The administrator questions whether this patient is entitled to health care because he did not take responsibility for his actions leading to this condition and he has no health insurance plan. What is the ethical principle guiding the physician's actions? Justice 8. Autonomy is considered one of the seven universal principles of health care ethics. Which of the following is an example of autonomy? A health care practitioner makes competent decisions related to patient care 9. The need for a person to develop a sense of self-worth is part of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Which need is it? Esteem 10. A child life specialist caring for children in the pediatric ward plays a game with a young patient who is enjoying the game, but makes up the rules as she goes along. This behavior is characteristic of what stage of moral development? Preoperational stage 11. Virtue ethics focuses on the traits, characteristics, and virtues that a moral person should have. Who is the most well-known ethicist to write about this ethical decision making process? Alasdair MacIntyre 12. A patient undergoing surgery signs an informed consent for the procedure. Which of the following principles of health care ethics does informed consent protect? Autonomy 13. According to MacIntyre's theory of virtue ethics, what principle helps the decision maker arrive at a decision? Loyalty to the role he or she plays 14. A health practitioner is interviewing a 6-year-old male child who is in Piaget's preoperational stage. Which of the following is characteristic of this stage? The child views the world from his own perspective 15. Define social determinants of health AHS 250 Quiz 3: 1. Who may own a health care corporation? Group of physicians, healthcare professionals practicing the same medical specialty, group of investors, religious groups 2. A method used by a health plan to measure the amount and appropriateness of health services used by its members is called a(n) utilization review
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