LMS Sandbox Checklists
The purpose of this document is help you organize your experience and feedback as you investigate each of the three LMS Sandboxes. An anonymous form with the same set of items will be presented for you to complete electronically after
you have had time to play-test all three Sandboxes
. You can use this checklist to record your individual findings to assist in completing the electronic form. In alphabetical order, the LMS options are:
Blackboard Ultra
As a member of the taskforce, it is imperative that you complete each question – checklist rating, overall user experience rating, general positive notes, and general negative notes. We will be using this feedback, information provided by the vendors, and other data collected throughout our time together when making our final recommendation.
We want to ensure that we are exploring the same base-level of items in each Sandbox. Feel free to explore beyond the items provide in this checklist; add those comments in the general positive/negative notes sections. You will be rating each item based on satisfaction and ease of use on a 1 - 6 scale with 6 being the highest. Please reach out if you need clarification on any item on the checklist. Finally, N/A is available in the rare event that an item is not found or cannot be completed. Thanks for your time and diligence.
Sincerely –
LMS Taskforce Chair