Microsoft Xbox Video Games are one of the top video game companies in the world. They are number two in the video game console wars and are continually improving and listening to their customers and making the necessary changes to their products to better service their customers. The main demographic that Microsoft uses when they target their consumers is age and the age demographic used to be under 18 years old but in recent years when researching the data, I discovered that gamers in the United States are mostly between the ages of 18-34 years old, then 34-54 years old and lastly under 18 years old in 2020. Although most gamers are male, female gamers have been consistently growing in numbers; and will eventually be equal to the number of male gamers. As of 2020, 30% of gamers are women.
Gamers want variety more than anything, for instance they want games with edgier content and good storyline and smooth and impactful gameplay. On the other hand, gamers who enjoy multiplayer want a smooth server with no issues such as lag times and drop offs, better matchmaking with people on your level of gaming, and a variety of upgrades available for a customizable character. Gamers want a game that is competitive but not so competitive that the game is unplayable and not enjoyable. Gamers also watch more gameplay than they ever have before online with the introductions of Twitch and with YouTube.
Microsoft Xbox main competitor is Sony PlayStation, as you can see from the graph below PlayStation has been in the lead from the beginning but with the new next gen consoles, Microsoft Xbox One Series-X and PlayStation 5, the gap could seriously decrease between them and Microsoft could eventually overtake Sony as the number one gaming company in the United States. 1