Submission Instructions:
This assignment requires you to prepare a written team report based on the following details:
You must conduct research to cite a minimum of 5 academic sources and 3 different sources
utilizing standard APA format for all aspects of your report (title page, page numbering, in-
text citations, references, etc.). All sources of information must be credited, whether a direct quote or not. See the for APA citation style guide references online. Assignments submitted without references or proper citation may incur a penalty including a zero mark for the assignment. 2.
Prepare a word-processed file of no more than 10 pages (does not include a cover page and references), double spaced, with a font size of no more than 12 and no less than 10. 3.
Include a cover page and note the names and student IDs in alphabetical order. 4.
Submit your assignment to the appropriate Assignment Folder. Late papers will be penalized 5% per day (including weekends) unless extenuating circumstances, that have been discussed with and approved by your professor, prevail.
No late submissions will be accepted a week after the deadline and once the grades have been posted.
The paper must be authored by the HRMT 301 students, whose names are printed on the cover page of the assignment, in order to be graded.
To assist you in preparing your paper please review Chapters 2, 6, 7, and 8 in your text. You may also visit the Ontario Human Rights website at
. 8.
Your assignment will be assessed based on the criteria as outlined in the rubric below: please check the highlighted Turquoise if it is aligned.