Week 3 Discussion Post 1 When you select your exemplar for your discussion, give some thought to how that person (or you) might respond to others who challenge the leadership style. Conversely, every style has its strengths and weaknesses, so how might you deal with this style’s weaknesses in practice?
Identify which key characteristics are present with this leader. Lastly, explore what you have learned from this leader and how you can apply similar characteristics into
your own leadership style.
Lastly, explore what you have learned from this leader and how you can apply similar characteristics into your own leadership style.
Choose a leader that you feel meets the description of a servant leader. Share a little about this leader and why you selected them.
Michelle Obama has demonstrated several characteristics consistent with a servant leader during and after her time as First Lady of the United States. Servant leaders place the good of followers over their own self-interests and emphasize follower development (Hale & Fields, 2007, as cited in Northouse, 2022). They demonstrate strong moral behavior toward followers (Graham, 1991; Walumbwa, Hartnell, & Oke, 2010, as cited in Northouse, 2022), the organization, and other stakeholders (Ehrhart, 2004, as cited in Northouse, 2022). Michelle Obama made a significant individual impact, establishing her own identity separate from her role as the First Lady. Notably, her influential public health campaign focused on lowering the childhood obesity rate, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and eating habits among children.
Identify which key characteristics are present with this leader.
Empathy has always stood out to me as one of Michelle Obamas strongest traits. She has always shown a
deep understanding and concern for the well-being of others. She often displayed the ability to connect with people on a personal level, expressing empathy for their challenges and struggles. She also actively engages with the community promoting initiatives and programs aimed at empowering people and making positive change. She consistently advocates for issues such as health, education, and overall growth and improvement of the lives of others. Servant leaders create value for the community by consciously and intentionally giving back to the community (Northouse, 2022, p. 263). Lastly, I believe that Michelle Obama is a great listener. She has been known to engage in conversations with various individuals, actively listening to their personal stories and concerns, and trying to understand the people she aims to serve. She is genuine in her interactions with people which make her authentic and relatable.