Diversity focuses in the workplace such as cultural background, ages, gender, and etc. Inclusion
focuses on how well the contribution and perspective of different group of people are valued
and integrated into the environment. When diversity and inclusion are sync, it benefits the
organizations, teams, and individuals it improves the organization’s culture and image and
increases profitability. As a leader, it helps the teams be more open and engaged for team
work. But also, it makes employees and teams feel more welcome and safe in the workplace.
Leaders and teams can take the risk and ask for help, which can make a positive impact
collaboration, critical thinking, and problem solving. Everyone can learn, be more agile thinkers
and relate to one another differently on diverse teams. As a leader, you want to let your teams
work equally and contribute in projects. Also, as a leader, you want your staff and teams to feel
safe, happier, and more productive work environments. Every company that has diversity and
inclusion can promote and improve collaboration, reduce employee turnover, increase morale,
and attract better talent. As a leader, you take on lots of responsibilities to make sure you treat
everyone equally and hear everyone’s concerns or opinions. You want to respect and give
everyone a chance to hear their voices. You want to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity
to contribute to and influence every part and level in the work environment. Build company’s
culture and increase innovation can improve teams’ abilities and increase profitability for the
Diversity and inclusion are essential for a healthy work environment.
Wadhwa and Aggarwal (2023) defined diversity as a representation of an
entity and inclusion as the value placed on contributions, presence, and
perspectives of different people. Northouse (2022) found that inclusion is
defined as an individual's access to information and resources and have an
ability to influence decision-making processes. Differences in race, religion,
sexual orientation, nationality, and language are examples of diversity
(Wadhwa & Aggarwal, 2023). People who are in the minority feeling valued,
respected, and being equally treated are examples of inclusion (Wadhwa &
Aggarwal, 2023).
Organizations with diversity and inclusion increase employee performance,
engagement, culture, better decision-making, and improvement in employee
retention rates (Wadhwa & Aggarwal, 2023). Wadhawa and Aggarwal (2023)
found that inclusion seeks out diverse voices in decision-making processes,
which brings new perspectives and ways of thinking to the organization.
Embracing diversity creates and environment of respect and collaboration
(Wadhawa & Aggarwal, 2023).
Gotsis and Grimani (2016) found that organizations should demonstrate
equitable practices and treatment of minority groups to foster a more
humane organization. Leadership commitments to diversity develop effective
recruitment and retention strategies for future diverse employees and