Slide-1: Introduction to Edumundo and its experience at InTouch business
Speaker Notes:
Good [morning/afternoon/evening], every person. Edumundo is a cutting-edge educational
platform, and I am happy to have the opportunity to share it with you today because it has had
such a huge impact on the way we do things here at InTouch.
Edumundo is not just another educational tool; rather, it is a platform that extends upon the
traditional pedagogical practises that are now being used in classrooms all over the world. An
immersive experience can be had by individuals or by teams, with the primary emphasis being
placed on the promotion of leadership, teamwork, and business simulations. The experience can
be had by individuals or by teams.
Edumundo is an online educational community that was established in 2019 by Brown and
Eisenhardt. Users are given the ability to customize their educational experience, and they are
given access to theoretical information as well as practical applications inside a simulated setting
of a business.
We at InTouch have found Edumundo to be a game-changer, and as a result, we enthusiastically
endorse it. Because of this, we are able to put our theoretical understanding to use in the mobile
phone industry by performing risk-free market analysis and making strategic decisions. This
allows us to put our theoretical expertise to use in the mobile phone industry. The collaborative
element of the platform is a mirror of the challenges that organizations actually encounter in the
world, which helps to increase communication and teamwork.
Slide 2: Application of Gibbs Theory in Edumundo Practice
Speaker Notes
Today, we will talk about the many different applications that the Gibbs theory could have inside
the framework of Edumundo, as well as the consequences that this has for the mobile phone
business that InTouch runs. Utilizing the Gibbs Reflective Cycle, which is a tool that is
commonly used in the field of experiential learning, makes it possible to investigate one's own
experiences in a methodical manner. This is one of the many benefits of engaging in this type of
learning. Continuous feedback loops and introspective exercises are both a part of the design of
Edumundo, and both of these aspects adhere to the principles that Gibbs proposed. During the
course of our participation in the simulated business scenarios, we take many breaks. During
these breaks, we analyse our decision-making processes, discuss the implications of our choices,
and think about potential alternate courses of action. The encouragement of cycle reflection by
Edumundo is one of the contributors to the creation of this iterative and adaptable approach to
the administration of InTouch that has been mentioned.