MAN00059H Management in the Twenty-first Century Individual essay – Essay plan
This essay plan is part of module assessment. It is formative and does not count towards your final
mark, but it is compulsory. Total word length of this plan should be about 300 words.
This form should be discussed, agreed and countersigned by your module seminar leader.
Failure to
complete this form may mean your summative assignment will not be marked.
Assignment questions
What is the topic / case / event you
wish to examine?
Essay Topic - "Deconstructing 21st Century Management:
The Interplay of Critical Management Studies, Discourse
Analysis, and Digital Transformation"
With reference to the module
content, what is the main theme(s) in
this topic or event
that you wish to
explore in relation to management in
the 21
Learn what Critical Management Studies (CMS) and
critical discourse analysis can teach us about effective
management practices today.
Consider how the widespread use of digital
transformation inside firms has impacted recent
debates in the discipline of management and offer your
thoughts on the subject.
What conceptual / theoretical
framework do you propose to use to
explore and evaluate the topic /
Using postmodern discourse theory, Critical
Management Studies (CMS), and the part played by
digital transformation as theoretical underpinnings, we
may investigate the shifting, contradictory, and ever-
evolving nature of modern management discourse.
Analyze how the development of cutting-edge
technologies has transformed the language and
anecdotes connected to management practices.
What additional evidence / data /
material might you draw upon to
explore the topic / theme further
(e.g. policy documents,
research or
practitioner reports,
Analyze case studies and studies of the actual world to
see how digital disruption has influenced the evolution
of management theory.
Consider how the discussion of management concepts
like agility and internationalization has evolved in light
of developments in artificial intelligence (AI), the
internet of things (IoT), and cloud computing.
Indicative reading list based on the
above (3 or 4 items only)
Alveeson (2011). Introduction, in Alveeson et al.
Chapter 1
Banerjee et al. (2011). Managing Globalization, Chapter
9 in
Alveeson et al; Dicken, P. (2016) Global Shift, Chapter 1
Grant et al (2011) Discourse and Critical Management
Studies, in Alveeson et al. Chapter 10
Sulkowski, L.(2019). On Bullshit management the
Critical Management studies Perspective. Economics
and Sociology, 12(1), 302-312
How might you use the 1,000 word
individual reflective essay to explore
any significant (personal, professional
or other) insights you have gained
through this module (not necessarily
on the topic of your individual essay)?
My goal in the required 1,000-word individual
reflection essay is to go beyond the scope of my
assigned topic and discuss the significant insights I've
gotten throughout the entire module. Through writing
this introspective post, I hope to critically evaluate how
Critical Management Studies, discourse analysis, and
the influence of digital transformation have widened
my understanding of contemporary management