Wk1Discussion -WMBA-6020-Creativity
Creativity is basically, coming up with a new process or way to do something that is beneficial. I
believe there is creativity everywhere. Some people believe that only certain people can be
creative. It is like there is a creativity gene that only some get. However, this is a myth. Anytime
a person comes up with a new idea, this is creativity[ CITATION Ins02 \l 1033 ].
Professionally, I must come up with new ideas daily. Managers are given the duty of coming up
with new processes to make production and workflow better. For example: One of the
production processes is to fill three-gallon pails with 50 pounds of product, then put a lid on it,
and lift it not a pallet.
The pallet holds 36 pails. Doing this by hand all day would be hard. The
average person can fill 108 pails during a shift which works out to be 5400 pounds of lifting. One
creative process that my crew came up with is an automated process that lifts the pails onto the
pallet. We are still working out all the semantics, but it is in motion. Together, we used our
creativity to find a better, easier solution. The inspiration for this creative process was to help
eliminate the heavy, constant lifting for employees.
Personally, I am creative every single day. It takes creativity to juggle daily tasks, work, family,
errands, and chores. To spend as much time with my family as possible, I get up two hours early
to vacuum, mop, possibly put food in the crock pot, maybe do schoolwork, and sometimes do
shopping before I go to work. This way I can go home right after work and enjoy the company of
my family. Sometimes, it is very difficult, but finding a way to utilize my time is my creative
process. The inspiration for this creative process is to not take away from family time because of
daily life routines[ CITATION Ins02 \l 1033 ].
The ways I can boost my creativity is by evaluating my environment and employees. Just by
listening to the employees was the motivation for developing a better process for packing those
pails. The employees were struggling with lifting that many pails during a shift. The company
was losing good talent because of this process. Overcoming the misconceptions of creativity and
the fear of failing with ideas is another way to boost creativity. Being afraid of failing with a new
idea should not be the mindset. It should be a learning experience through trial and error.
Embracing every opportunity is the magic key to providing creativity professionally and
personally[ CITATION Ale19 \l 1033 ].
Inspiring innovation. (2002).
Harvard Business Review
, 80(8), 39-49.
Street, A. (Director). (2019).
4 ways to boost creativity.
[Motion Picture].