Implementing a project:
The project implementation is part of project management where the project manager ensures to
meet the objective decided in the planning phase. The project manager has to go through a series
of steps which are assessing the project plan, executing the project plan, making required
changes, analyzing project data, gathering feedback, and providing final reports. It is the most
crucial and essential phase of any project management. If not executed correctly then all the
efforts may go in vain.
The implementation process of any project requires support from the executive and the project
team. If the wrong project team members are selected, then they either lengthen the
implementation process or decrease employee morale. Some project team members play a
destructive role while others a supportive role.
Examples of Destructive Role:
Examples of the destructive role will include a project team member who always acts
aggressively, criticizes other team members, is the dominator, tries to manipulate people, play the
devil’s advocate, find faults in various areas of project management, refuse to support, challenge
the leadership role, thinks he knows everything about the project, will try to take over, and
deflates the ego of other team members.
Examples of supportive roles:
On the other hand, there are roles that project members play which is very supportive of the
implementation of the project. Examples of supportive roles may include being initiators,
seeking and giving information, encouraging other team members, clarifying thoughts and
opinions, trying to reach a consensus, and being gatekeepers.
Experience of a supportive or destructive role:
In one of my projects, I experienced a destructive role. The project was quite challenging,
we had to perform recruitment and selection for a company. It was urgent and there was a lot of
pressure. One of the project team members played the destructive role where he kept criticizing
others, was very aggressive, and played the devil's advocate role. His behavior made it difficult
to perform efficiently and effectively. Other team members were e impacted by his behavior.
Team members informed the project manager regarding his behavior. He then sat down with him
and handled the situation.
I would like to share an experience of a supportive role in a project. We were provided a
budget to open a coffee shop. The project Manager was highly supportive of the ideas. He
always was a great listener and made sure to ask for other opinions and tried to reach a
consensus. Moreover, he kept the team and himself up to date with any changes that would occur
and was high on emotional intelligence. The project was then successful. All project team
members were well coordinated and synchronized.
Kloppenborg, T. J. (2019). Contemporary project management: organize, lead, plan, perform.