Researching a topic of professional interest is a great motivator in writing a dissertation. Reviewing
trends in Business and Organization & Management is a good place to start when considering a
modern topic of interest.
For your main thread perform the following:
Research the Jerry Falwell Library (JFL) for 2 articles that are of interest to you in a topic
area of business based on your degree program.
Read the articles and post in the discussion why this topic is of interest to you in your
Consider the following in your discussion post as it relates to your selected articles:
professional experience as it relates to the topic, current trends / problems associated with
the topic, the impact of the topic on the organization or industry.
Research the Jerry Falwell Library (JFL) for 2 articles that are of interest to you
A subject area in operations and Management that interests me is “how leaders can impact the
behavior on certain individuals in the workplace”. One article, verbalize that, “The Impact of
Leader Dominance on Employees’ Zero-Sum Mindset and Helping Behavior (“Supplemental
Material for The Impact of Leader Dominance on Employees’ Zero-Sum Mindset and Helping
Behavior,” 2021)”. I came across the second article that relates to my area of interest, “Why and
when paradoxical leader behavior impact employee creativity: Thriving at work and psychological
safety (Yang et al.,2019)”.
Read the articles and post in the discussion board why this topic is of interest to you in your
Working in a high-prestige, well-known hospital.
The discussion of conversation that I have with
other managers is on the topic, “how leaders can impact the behavior on certain individuals in the
workplace” is an area of interest because leaders make up the dynamics of a company rather it be a
positive or a negative environment. For example, if leaders are great leaders and are positive,
chances are employees will have a positive attitude. The employees would love to come to work
and do their job. That’s where the survey’s come to play. “Best place to work” However, if leaders
have a negative attitude and do not care about their employees, chances are employees will also
have a negative attitude and will dread coming to work. One or two of these attitudes will affect the
overall dynamics of the organization and will set them up for success or failure.
Consider the following in your discussion post as it relates to your selected articles: professional
experience as it relates to the topic, current trends / problems associated with the topic, the impact
of the topic on the organization or industry.
I lead by example, I was told by one of my leaders “An essential aspect of being a professional
person, is presenting yourself in a respectable and confident manner”.
With that expression called
into play, I have professionally experienced the difference between good and bad leaders. Having a
good leader, I was motivated to do my best. To never let him/or her down, however, when I had a
bad leader, I was not motivated, nor did I want to report to work. It was as if the leader was rubbing
his/her negativity on me, which negatively impacted my work. Some trends show that influence
strategies can have imperative effects for subordinates’ psychological experience and causing
behaviors (“Supplemental Material for The Impact of Leader Dominance on Employees’ Zero-Sum
Mindset and Helping Behavior,” 2021b). The impact of poor leadership actions impacts employee
engagement, productivity, performance, etc. (Crampton, 2019). To have a positive work
environment and achieve the best results, companies must invest in great leadership.
Biblical integration: