Topic 1 DQ 1
Discuss the demographic and home language composition of the PK-12 ELL population
in Arizona. How does this affect instruction in general education classes in Arizona? How
might awareness of the demographic and home language composition of the ELL
population in not only your state, but in the school district or school in which you teach,
help you in your future professional practice?
According to the Migration Policy Institute, the demographics and home language composition of
students in Arizona is approximately 14% with the majority speaking Spanish. Other languages
that are spoken at home include Arabic, Vietnamese, Navajo, and Somali. Arizona has adopted
a Structured English Immersion (SEI) model that is research-based and focuses on English
Language Development. The SEI model is aligned to Arizona’s standards, includes instruction
for both oral and written skills, and encourages parents to be engaged in their child’s education.
As a teacher being aware of the demographics and home language composition in my area will
keep me abreast of cultural influences that affect my students and their families. This will also
assist in being able to provide proper services and support to the students and their families that
are provided in the community. While I live in a very homogenous community, mainly caucasian
and a small population of Hispanic, the areas surrounding my district are very diverse. Iowa has
a large population of refugees, which is right across the river, and as I drive an hour to the east
Rockford has a diverse population. Many of my students move throughout the year so being
aware of the population around me will help to know how to better serve and teach them.
El Instructional Services
. Arizona Department of Education. (2023, August 9).