If question about ability to perform privileges granted, must request evaluation
Recommend to gov body the structure of med staff
Recommend to gov body the process for reviewing credentials and delineating privileges
Three committees required by HFAP? -
Utilization Review
Utilization of Osteopathic Methods & Concepts
(only if hospital has 10 or more DOs who admit)
What committee is required for both NCQA and URAC? -
Credentialing Committee
Any required committees for AAAHC? -
What committee is required for DNV? -
Medical staff executive committee
If there is an MEC, majority of members must be doctors of medicine or osteopathy.
What is the course of formal proceedings carried out regularly, fairly, and in accordance with established
rules and principles? -
Due process
What is a formal request by a practitioner to request reconsideration of an adverse action? -
What is the formal proceeding at which evidence and arguments are presented on the matter to a
person or body having decision making authority? -
What are the two distinct elements of due process? -