Types of Reports Assignment Week 5



Liberty University *

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May 30, 2024





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Types of Reports 1 Types of Reports Brooke Richardson Liberty University CJUS 231: Criminal Justice Report Writing Professor Nathan Tumas February 17, 2024 Introduction
Types of Reports 2 In the course of your duties as a law enforcement officer, you may find yourself responsible for compiling a variety of reports. These reports serve as official documentation of various incidents and are essential for maintaining accurate records. There are seven distinct types of reports that you may need to create, each with its own specific purpose and format. These include Traffic Summons, which are issued to drivers who violate traffic laws; Traffic Crashes, which document any vehicular accidents; Misdemeanor Crimes, which cover minor offenses; Felony Crimes, which involve more serious criminal activity; Domestic Violence Crimes, which detail incidents of domestic abuse; Incident Reports, which provide a comprehensive account of any incidents that occur while you are on duty; and Suspicious Circumstances, which document any unusual or suspicious incidents that you encounter. By understanding and mastering each of these report types, you can ensure that you are fulfilling your duties as a law enforcement officer to the best of your ability. As a law enforcement officer, proper documentation is a crucial aspect of your work. It is essential to create accurate and detailed reports to ensure that all incidents are properly recorded and can be referred to when needed. There are seven distinct types of reports that you may need to create, and each has its own unique purpose. Traffic Summons Reports Traffic summons reports are issued to drivers who have contravened traffic laws, such as exceeding speed limits, running red lights or stop signs, or driving under the influence. These reports contain the driver's personal information, details of the offense committed, and precise date and time of the incident. It is imperative that drivers pay close attention to these reports, as they serve as formal documentation of their infractions and may have legal implications. “The Bureau of Justice Statics 2008 survey revealed that in 2008 traffic stops accounted for more than
Types of Reports 3 43% of the contacts between law enforcement and citizens in the United States. Approximately half of those contacts resulted in a traffic summons or ticket.” (Morris & Merson 2016, pg. 62). Traffic Crash Reports “Every year the lives of approximately 1.19 million people are cut short as a result of a road traffic crash. Between 20 and 50 million more people suffer non-fatal injuries, with many incurring a disability.” (World Health Organization: WHO, 2023). Traffic Crashes reports document any vehicular accidents that occur. The responding officers will gather all relevant information and compile a detailed report that includes the date, time, and location of the crash, as well as the names and contact information of all involved parties, any injuries sustained, and a description of the damage to the vehicles. This report serves as an official record that can be used by insurance companies, legal representatives, and other interested parties for their respective purposes. Misdemeanor Crimes Reports Misdemeanor Crimes reports cover minor offenses, such as shoplifting or disorderly conduct. These reports detail the nature of the offense, the person(s) involved, and any witness statements. The Summons and Complaint form is versatile and can be used for both misdemeanor and petty offenses. However, it should be noted that these forms do not provide as much information and details as a full criminal felony case report. Nonetheless, they usually contain all the necessary information required to include the probable cause affidavit on the reverse side of the summons. “Many states classify misdemeanors, with varying levels of punishment for the different classes. Those schemes typically differentiate types of misdemeanors based on the dollar amount of the loss (property offenses) or the seriousness of the
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