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Information Systems


Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by DeanCrow19696

IT395_DeTanyaBrock_Assessment_M2 IT395-M2: Illustrate Trojans, Malware, and Cryptology Attacks Professor: Donald McCracken February 18th, 2024
Part 1: Service and Infrastructure Discovery Section 1: Scan A Unix/Linux Server (Screenshots) Configuration. Open ports include: 21, 22, 23, 25, 53, 80, 111, 139, 445, 513, 514, 2049, 2121, 3306, 5432, 5900, 6000, and 8009. The scan took a total of 13.36 sec.
Section 2: Questions 1. Why are most networks, even small office/home office (SOHO) networks, considered mixed networks in terms of operating systems? Give some common examples of devices in a typical home that might be running Linux or a derivative of it. Because households have a variety of devices that run their own operating systems to suit their purpose, we call SOHO mixed networks. The majority of these individual operating systems use Linux at endpoints as their underlying OS which has some sort of application layer. Today most TVs, Refrigerators, Game Systems, Printers, Dishwasher, Coffee Makers, Clocks, and other home appliance are included in IoT, and these devices are generally Linux-based. Within this realm these devices tend to be forgotten when it comes to endpoint protection, thus making them vulnerable to attacks because people often forget to update the firmware. Other such devices include “smart” devices, thermostats, video monitoring systems, washing machines, streaming devices, and various other appliances that work via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. 2. How are Unix/Linux and the Apple OS X related? Unix/Linux and Apple OS X, now referred to as macOS, are similar in layout and both use Unix OS as their underlying framework. Because of this they share similar command-line interfaces, shell, software compatibility, developmental environments, bash interfaces, and the allowance of commands. The primary difference between the two is the Unix/Linux is based on a Linux Kernel in which certain components are often modified while the Kernel remains unaltered making it, so companies have to spend extra
money and time to develop components that work in conjunction with the kernel, While Apple, which is based on a XUN kernel, rewrites the kernel which sets them apart, making them uniquely distinct. 3. Explain how Zenmap can be to enumerate vulnerabilities. Zenmap can be used to enumerate vulnerabilities by identifying and listing open ports, listing connected devices to the network, listing the operating systems of these devices on the network, and also listing the applications of the devices on the network being scanned, all of which we learned in the lab assignment. Because Zenmap can obtain all of this information, it allows attackers to find vulnerabilities within the network and exploit them to gain access to a network and implement various attacks on the system which is being scanned. However, from the administrative side of things, it allows for one’s IT to add patches or employ the proper security measures and mitigate identified vulnerabilities before an attacker can penetrate the system.
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