Review the seven NAEYC standards. Identify two concepts you believe to be important as an early
childhood educator and explain why you believe they are valuable. How important is it for educators to
uphold NAEYC standards?
Standard 1: Child Development and Learning in Context: The importance of building a nurturing and
inclusive classroom environment where children feel safe, respected, and supported. By a caring
community, educators promote positive relationships among students, encouraging empathy and
understanding, and creating a foundation for learning and social- emotional development. These
concepts is valuable because it recognizes that children can thrive when they feel a sense of belonging
and have strong connections with both peers and educators.
Standard 4:
Assessments of Child Progress:
Practicing responsible assessments to inform instructions.
Developing responsible assessment skills to support directives: the importance of gathering information
about how kids learn and grow through assessments in a responsible and effective manner. To
completely understand each child's abilities, interests, and growth areas, educators have to use a variety
of assessment techniques, such as observations and documentation.
It is important for educators to uphold NAEYC standards because it helps ensure a high quality early
learning experience for children. Teachers may give students experiences that are developmental
appropriate, create a caring environment, and support their academic, social, and emotional success.
Professional standards and competencies for early childhood ... - naeyc. (n.d.).