Task 8.1 – Barrantes
In reviewing the AAPPL Score Report, I notice several key pieces of information. The score report
is broken down into four sections covering the three modes of communication.
The report also provides
a numerical score. In addition, a detailed, easy-to-read, student friendly description is given. What I find
most informative from the student point of view is the strategy section that provides recommendations
to improve performance in each specific subcategory. The learner can use these recommendations to
hone their study on areas that need the most improvement.
I do not feel that the school where I taught Spanish 2 was performing adequately had our
students taken any sort of assessment of this sort. We did not have a clearly defined scope and
sequence, or designated resources. Instruction was mostly grammar driven, with little focus on true
communicative proficiency. I implemented a more natural approach, using comprehensible input-based
lessons. I did see an improvement in student engagement and performance on IPAs as opposed to the
traditional multiple choice, right-wrong style testing. A struggle that I faced with administration and
across the department was trying to implement standards based grading.