Assignment Content
Assignment 2: Five Forces Analysis PowerPoint Presentation. Due day 7
You are completing this assignment to demonstrate your
understanding of how to conduct a service area structure analysis
using Michael Porter’s Five Forces Framework (See Exhibit 3-5).
Read the case study Cottage Senior Living. Then conduct a service
area structural analysis using your selected service category and
service area from Assignment 1 and Porter’s Five Forces Competitive
Framework. For each force, identify one threat. Provide a brief rationale
for the threat and then assess the threat as high, low, or medium. Each
force should be identified on a separate slide. Finally, describe what
the analysis suggests for Cottage Senior Living within the long-term
care industry.
PowerPoint Slides
Your presentation should include a title slide, an introduction slide, one
slide for each of the five forces, a slide for your analysis, and a
references slide. The content on the slides should be detailed yet
concise and cited where appropriate. There should be enough
information on the slides so the viewer can understand your topic
without attending the presentation, yet not contain paragraphs of
information. You will not present or record a presentation for this
assignment. You are only submitting the PowerPoint slides.