M03 Assignment - Case Study - Project Management Documentation
Assignment Case Study
The purpose of this assignment is to check your understandings of the readings from (Schwalbe).
You will use this knowledge gained in the readings to display your understanding of Project Management Project Methodologies. Your responses will be graded on the content, grammar, and citations. Refer to the grading rubric for further explanation.
Make sure you read each question thoroughly because there may be multiple responses needed for the question. As noted in your previous module you will use the assignment, M02 –
Assignment Part 2 to continue to create your project tasks.
Question 1: (points 5)
Create a Schedule Management Plan based on your Payroll Project from Module 2.
Question 2: (points 5)
Create a Cost Management Plan
based on your Payroll Project from Module 2.
Question 3: (points 5)
Create a Quality Management Plan
based on your Payroll Project from Module 2.
Question 4: (points 5)
Create the Project Plan Schedule based on your Payroll Project from Module
Question 5: (points 5)
Create an Activity Durations and Resource Needs
Plan based on your Payroll Project from Module 2.