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Information Systems


Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by MasterSummerDragonfly24

Assignment title: Red&Blue Travel Name: Md Anisur Rahman Title of the Course: Network Systems Design and Management Submitted to: Dr. Zineb Korachi Date of submission: 01/11/2024
Question1. Process of converging IP networks is to unify voice, video and data communication systems. There are various ways in which Red&Blue Travel stands to benefit from Internet infrastructures' integration: 1. Lowering costs: Red & Blue travel may save money if it combines voice, video and data in its IP-based network. Consequently, they do not need to continue maintaining separate networks which would save them on hardware, as well as maintenance and personnel resources. 2. Communication Simplification: IP network convergence enables communication across different types of media without any barriers between them. The use of a single device like a phone or laptop by personnel' access to information, audio, and video recording services has , effect of streamlining communication while enhancing productivity and collaboration among members even if they are separated by distances. Explanation: Economic Efficiency: It is the act of bringing together distinct voice, video and data networks into one IP network thereby decreasing infrastructural and operational costs. 3. Flexibility for Growth: Future expansion is rendered feasible through IP Network Unification which allows Red&Blue Travel to expand its network without any problems. In addition, it makes it cheap for adding new users, locations or services. With the flexibility of IP networks, new technologies emerge that can be easily incorporated ensuring the company does not lag behind in the rapidly evolving travel sector. 4. Improved Client Relationship: By using merging of networks with IP, Red&Blue Travel can enhance their customers’ experiences. For example, they can engage in real time consultations with their clients via video or take them on virtual tours thereby improving their satisfaction levels. This also facilitates personalized recommendations based on quick access to shared information over the network hence contributing towards tailored travel experiences provided by this company. 5. Quick reaction: This kind of an approach called “Internet protocol” (IP) permits Red & Blue Travel Company to quickly respond to market situations as well as customer needs through incorporation of social media platforms to business activities with partners and suppliers, adopting new communication channels and targeting a larger market. This capability allows them to keep up their pace in a fast-moving business world.
Explanation: Scalability: It refers to the ability of the network to easily accommodate growth Regarding the addition of new users, locations, or services. IP network convergence enables scalability by providing An adaptable architecture that can expand, and contract as required sans significant changes to The framework of the system. Question 2. In putting in place an entirely novel computer network, which includes merging of networks connected by IP, several oversight issues may arise as follows: 1. Change Management: Companies have to manage organizational change when they introduce a new IT system. Resistance to change, lack of user adoption, and training needs typically pose challenges. In order to make sure a smooth transition occurs, correct communication should be done as well as other practices such as instruction and assistance. 2. Cybercrime on the Network: When IP interconnect convergence implemented, the importance of network security becomes higher. Vulnerabilities in one area could potentially affect the entire system since voice, video and data traffic run through the same network. To protect sensitive customer Information and to shield the system's truthfulness, Red&Blue Travel should implement robust safety precautions like as restricted entry, encrypted communications, firewalls, and regular security checks. Administration of Transformation: It involves getting an organization ready for new technologies or processes and giving support to individuals or teams who are not able to adopt the changes on their own. Administration of Transformation will be necessary to introduce a fresh Technology system like merging of networks over IP since it requires switching from existing communication modes into a single infrastructure. 3. Quality of Service (QoS): Speech and video offerings enable instantaneous interactionseo require reliable low-latency connections. Implementing appropriate Quality of Service mechanisms will enable prioritization and guarantee performance for critical applications. High QoS levels can be maintained with network monitoring and optimization tools that help in addressing any issues that might affect real-time communication. 4. Integration Challenges: The merging of combining disparate information the clip, and communication channels within the same backbone may include integration challenges.R&B Travel must ensure compatibility between current systems and the new IP network infrastructure; this may necessitate hardware upgrades software integration tests or interoperability testing so that all media can communicate without interruptions. 5. Network Performance and Reliability: The converged IP network now has higher traffic volumes which can stress its underlying infrastructure further.Red&Blue Travel should carefully evaluate network capacity, bandwidth requirements and network redundancy to ensure that best
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