WGU C838 - Managing Cloud Security
Exam Questions
and Answers (Latest Update 2023)
What is the IaaS boundary? -
correct answers
The provider is responsible
for connectivity and power and the customer is in charge for installation of
What is the PaaS boundary? -
correct answers
The provider is
responsible for updates and administration of the OS and the customer
monitors and reviews software events.
What is the SaaS boundary? -
correct answers
The provider is responsible
for system maintenance and the customer supplies and processes data to
and in the system.
What should encryption be used for in a cloud datacenter? -
correct answers
Long-term storage/archiving
Protecting near-term stored files, such as snapshots of virtualized instances
Preventing unauthorized access to specific datasets by authorized personnel
What should encryption be used for in communications between cloud
providers and users? -
correct answers
Creating secure sessions