Assignment 01 – Due on 09/0
, 1
Question 1
What are some of the limitations of using an analogy of building architectures
towards software systems development?
Question 2
What are architectural styles? Provide any two examples of
‘architectural styles’
that characterize building architectures. What ‘requirements’ do they meet?
Question 3
List any two differences
between the traditional waterfall, agile, and spiral
software development models.
Which model would you choose and why?
Question 4
Why is software architectur
e defined as “broad and shallow” while software
design is defined as “narrow and deep”?
Question 5
Describe how an architecture serves as a basis for analysis. What about
decision-making? What kinds of decision-making does an architecture empower?
Question 6
Search three
different job websites for “Software Architect”
. Include a summary
or actual job description (if short enough) for each job. What qualifications are
listed for the job? If salary is included, what is the listed salary?