EAL/G 0400 Advanced Incident Command System for Complex Incidents, ICS 400 Final Exam (Students need to score at least a 75% or better to pass the Final Exam.) 13)Command and Coordination componant of NIMS includes four NIMS Functional Groups: Emergency Operations Centers, Muliagency Coordination Groups, and Joint Information Systems. What is the fourth? Area of Command Incident Cornmand System Incident Management Team Unified Command ar@» 14)What NIMS Functional Group consists of the processes, procedures, and tools to enable communication to the public, incident personnel, the media, and other stakeholders? a. Emergency Operations Centers @ Joint Information System C. Multiagency Coordination Groups d. Incident Command System 15)0f the agencies listed, what operations/support agency may provide multiagency coordination? ? Crisis action teams Policy commitiees c Agency executives @ Emergency Operations Centers {(EOCs) 16)Which of these have the responsibility to support resource prioritization and allocation during Incidents? a. Emergency Operations Center b. National Response Coordination Center (? MAC Group i Joint Information Center 17)To improve interagency coordination, what organization within a Multi-Agency Coordination is apphed when there is more than one agency with jurisdiction over an incident? (a) Unified Command D Area Command c Unity of Command d Unity of Effort Page 4 of 5