title: "week10exercises"
date: today
author: Mick McQuaid
toc: true
embed-resources: true
mainfont: Tex Gyre Schola
monofont: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
mathfont: Tex Gyre Schola Math
# Q.1 Diagnostic plots
What are diagnostic plots? How many diagnostic plots are there and what do they
# Q.2 Multiple regression
Use the `txhousing` dataset available in the `ggplot2` package and perform a
multiple regression analysis using the `median` variable (median sale price) as the
response variable and various other variables.
(a) What combination of factors have the greatest impact on the median sale price
of homes in cities in Texas? Which single variable is the most important?
(b) Generate the diagnostic plots to assess your model's performance. For your
reference, you can use this link: <https://data.library.virginia.edu/diagnostic-
plots/>. Comment on each plot.
# Q.3 Generating a Logistic Regression Model
Using the `Default` dataset from the `ISLR2` package, generate a logistic
regression and explain your results. For this,first load the `ISLR2` package,
saying `library(ISLR2)`. Then generate the logistic regression model with
`student`,`balance` and `income` as your predictors and `default` as the outcome.