17.6. Multiple Regression — Computational and Inferential Thinking 7



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11/15/23, 1:22 AM 17.6. Multiple Regression — Computational and Inferential Thinking https://inferentialthinking.com/chapters/17/6/Multiple_Regression.html 7/12 Interpreting Multiple Regression Let’s interpret these results. The best slopes give us a method for estimating the price of a house from its attributes. A square foot of area on the first floor is worth about $75 (the first slope), while one on the second floor is worth about $70 (the second slope). The final negative value describes the market: prices in later years were lower on average. The RMSE of around $30,000 means that our best linear prediction of the sale price based on all of the attributes is off by around $30,000 on the training set, on average. We find a similar error when predicting prices on the test set, which indicates that our prediction method will generalize to other samples from the same population. If the predictions were perfect, then a scatter plot of the predicted and actual values would be a straight line with slope 1. We see that most dots fall near that line, but there is some error in the predictions. 1st Flr SF 2nd Flr SF Total Bsmt SF Garage Area Wood Deck SF Open Porch SF Lot Area Year Built Yr Sold 68.7068 74.3857 56.0494 36.1706 26.4397 21.4779 0.558904 534.101 -528.216 RMSE of all training examples using the best slopes: 29311.117940347867 test_prices = test . column( 0 ) test_attributes = test . drop( 0 ) def rmse_test (slopes): return rmse(slopes, test_attributes, test_prices) rmse_linear = rmse_test(best_slopes) print ( 'Test set RMSE for multiple linear regression:' , rmse_linear) Test set RMSE for multiple linear regression: 33025.064938240575 def fit (row): return sum (best_slopes * np . array(row)) Skip to main content
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