HIS 100 Module Three Activity Template: Historical Context Replace the bracketed text below with your responses.
Identify the topic you chose to explore: •
Tulsa Race Massacre
Describe the historical context surrounding your historical event. •
In general, racism was a daily notion in America amongst African Americans. However, at this time African Americans had begun to grow in numbers. African Americans were free to earn income, start businesses, and get a college education.
Describe a key historical figure or group’s participation in your historical event.
In sports, baseball legend Babe Ruth broke his record with a single-season home run record of 29. This was Babe Ruth's first season with the Yankees in 1920-1921. That same year Ruth achieved another milestone by passing Roger Connor's record of 138 career home runs. Ruth had 139. Babe Ruth was known as the greatest player ever to play baseball.
Explain the key historical figure or group’s motivation to participate in your historical event.
What gave motivation to the Tulsa Massacre, was an incident involving a 19-year-old black shoeshiner, Dick Rowland. Rowland was accused of assaulting Sarash Paige, who was white and 17 years old. Rumors of lynching Rowland began to spread throughout the city. Eventually, Rowland was put in jail, while a group of white men gathered around the jail where Rowland was
located. Shortly thereafter, a group of armed black men showed up with the mission to protect the black shoeshiner. This caused friction within the community, which prompted the group of white men to eventually destroy the Greenwood District by dropping bombs via airplanes.
Articulate how the historical context caused or influenced your chosen historical event.
Today the wealth gap between whites and blacks is unimaginable. In 2022, for every $100 in wealth held by white households, Black households held only $15.
Explain how connecting your historical event and current event improves the understanding of your topic.
It helps me understand how racism affected America.