HIS 100 Module Two Activity Template: Historical Research Question
This activity is your last chance to choose a topic. Topic changes may be based on your research
or instructor feedback. Then write a historical research question that addresses an aspect of your finalized topic. Replace the bracketed text below with your responses.
Non-graded portion
List your historical research topic here: o
Stonewall Rebellion
Graded portion:
Write a clear, relevant, and focused research question about your finalized topic. o
What impact did the Stonewall Riots have on the LGBTQ movement in the short and long term?
Explain how another person’s beliefs, assumptions, and values may lead that person to create a different question than you.
Everyone has unique beliefs, assumptions, and values that define their perspective and influence the questions they ask. These factors shape how they view the world, information, and their understanding of it. Beliefs are strong ideas about different aspects of life. Curiosity, interests, and beliefs can guide the questions that someone asks. Assumptions can be conscious or unconscious ideas based on personal experience,
influences, or acquired knowledge. They shape questions by framing understanding and expectations. Values reflect what's important in life and guide behavior, priorities, and decisions. They influence questions by considering personal and social goals. Different factors, such as culture, education, environment, or professional life, can contribute to the questions someone asks. Because everyone has unique beliefs, values, and assumptions, their perspective and approach to a topic may differ, leading to different questions.