Quizlet us history exam



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Dec 6, 2023





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WGU Academy US HISTORY Study online at https://quizlet.com/_91z42g 1. Which sentence best describes pre-columbian soci- eties of the Southwest? They built irriga- tion systems and constructed towns 2. Who were the first inhabitants of the American conti- nent? migrants who crossed over from Asia 3. Why did the colonial government in the Massachu- setts vote to deport Roger Williams? He preached sep- aration from the Church of Eng- land. 4. What prompted the influx of African slaves to the Southern Colonies and the Caribbean in 1619? The need for work- ers on tobacco plantations 5. Which was not a result of the first interactions be- tween native Americans and Europeans arriving in North and South America? Native Americans were open to trade and Euro- peans showed no interest 6. Which sentence most accurately describes religious practices and beliefs among slaves in the South in the early 1700's? They created a blend of Christiani- ty and African folk- lore 7. What was the most significant cause of the war in North America between the French and British in the 1750's and 1760's? disputes over terri- tory 8. How did the French and Indian war alter territorial claims in North America? French territory east of the Mis- sissippi was con- ceded to the British. 9. What was Samuel Adams; reason for creating the Committees of Correspondence? He wanted to publicize Ameri- 1 / 10
WGU Academy US HISTORY Study online at https://quizlet.com/_91z42g cans' grievances against the British and coordinate the colonists' respons- es 10. What was the result of the Tea Act of 1773 among the colonists? It unified re- sistance among the colonists to Britain's economic exploitation of the colonies 11. What action by the American colonists resulted in the passage of the Intolerable Acts by the British Parlia- ment? The Boston Tea Party 12. What was Thomas Paine's purpose in writing his pam- phlet, Common Sense? to convince the colonists to break away from the English govern- ment 13. What was the main goal of the Articles of Confedera- tion? To focus govern- ment authority at the state level 14. What was the principal complaint Anti-Federalists had with the original Constitution? It lacked a clearly enumerated Bill of Rights. 15. After the American Revolution, what problem con- tributed significantly to the need for a federal Consti- tution? An impending con- flict with Indians 16. During the formation of the republic, who recom- mended to President Washington that a national bank should be established? Alexander Hamil- ton 17. Which was a direct result of the "XYZ" Affair? 2 / 10
WGU Academy US HISTORY Study online at https://quizlet.com/_91z42g The creation of the Department of the Navy 18. In the 1790's, which group believed that America should be rural and agrarian rather than commercial and urban? Republicans 19. What was an unusual feature of the Second Great Awakening in the early 1800's? the large number of women involved in the movement 20. What was an effect of the Second Great Awakening? A crusade against personal immorali- ty 21. What was one of the most important accomplish- ments of Jefferson's presidency? Purchasing the Louisiana Territory 22. Which factor contributed to the significant increase in the American population from 1820 to 1840? Improvements in public health 23. In the early 1800's what was one of the principles of the slave codes in the South? Slaves could not be taught to read or write 24. What inspired Fancis Scott Key to write the Star Span- gled Banner? He was proud to see Fort McHen- ry survive a naval bombardment. 25. How did the westward expansion of white settlers affect British advantages during the War of 1812? It caused dis- placed or threat- ened Indian tribes to form alliances with the British 26. Which invention had the greatest effect on transporta- tion and trade during the early years of the American Republic? Steam engine 3 / 10
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WGU Academy US HISTORY Study online at https://quizlet.com/_91z42g 27. What economic trend transformed the south in the mid-nineteenth century? The South experi- enced a dramatic rise in cotton pro- duction. 28. Before the Civil War, what campaign was intended to keep slavery out of new territories? Free-Soil Move- ments 29. Which significant political shift characterized Andrew Jackson's presidency? More people in- volved in the politi- cal process 30. What antebellum philosophy in America sparked the creation of new reform institutions? The belief in the potential of the in- dividual. 31. What antebellum philosophy in America focused on reexamining the individual and the individual's rela- tionship to the natural world? Transcendental- ism 32. Which of these was a major effect of westward expan- sion in the time period leading up to the Civil War? Conroversy over the legality of slav- ery in new territo- ries 33. Which modern-day state did the US take control of as a direct result of the Mexican-American War? California 34. How did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo disappoint President Polk? The US failed to acquire as much territory as possi- ble. 35. What was President Lincoln's position on slavery? He believed it was wrong, but did not advocate for abol- ishment of slavery 36. 4 / 10
WGU Academy US HISTORY Study online at https://quizlet.com/_91z42g How did the Compromise of 1850 ultimately lead to in- creased tensions between northern abolitionists and southern supporters of slavery? It revealed that the differences be- tween the North and South were not simply solv- able by an act of Congress since both groups con- tinued to oppose aspects of the Compromise 37. What was a major weakness of the Confederacy dur- ing the Civil War? Absence of orga- nized industries 38. How did the union and the Confederacy develop their military forces during the Civil War? Each side began the war by us- ing volunteers, but was forced to im- plement a draft for white males 39. What did the Emancipation Proclamation proclaim? Freedom for slaves in the re- maining states of the Confederacy 40. What was the importance of the Emancipation Procla- mation to the union? It established that the war was being fought to eliminate slavery in addition to preserving the Union 41. Which statement describes the role of women during the civil war? Women performed untraditional and nondomestic tasks 42. What goal was achieved in the South during Recon- struction? 5 / 10
WGU Academy US HISTORY Study online at https://quizlet.com/_91z42g Improvement of the education sys- tem 43. Why was President Johnson impeached? He removed a civil official from office without the con- sent of Congress 44. How did the competing goals of moderate and radical re-constructionists conflict during the period just be- fore and after the end of the Civil War? Moderate re con- structionists want- ed to rein- corporate south- ern states with- out alienating their white citizens, while radicals pro- posed harsh laws to punish confed- erate sympathiz- ers 45. In the post-Reconstruction South, what US law or de- cision was circumvented by the establishment of poll taxes and property qualifications for voting? 15th amendment 46. During Reconstruction, what effect did the crop-lien system have on poor Southern farmers? Unfair lending practices placed farmers in a cycle of debt 47. Which was a trait of the pre-columbian societies of the Eastern Woodlands? They had ac- cess to consid- erable food re- sources 48. What was the main objective of the Pilgrims in drafting the Mayflower Compact of 1620? To establish their own government 49. 6 / 10
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WGU Academy US HISTORY Study online at https://quizlet.com/_91z42g In the colonial era, what three commodities were ex- changed in the triangular trade? Rum, slaves and molasses 50. Which sentence accurately describes the availability of basic tools and equipment for the early American colonists? Most colonists lacked basic equipment such as firearms and pots and pans be- cause they were too poor to afford them. 51. What was the major effect of the Stamp Act of 1765? It unified the colonies in resist- ing the purchase of British goods 52. What action by the American colonists resulted in the passage of The Intolerable Acts by the British Parlia- ment? The Boston Tea Party 53. Which American document was influenced by John Locke's theory that governments are formed to pro- tect " life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"? Declaration of In- dependence 54. The Articles of Confederation granted sovereign pow- er to which of the following? State govern- ments 55. How did the "Great Compromise" of 1787 reconcile the wishes of Northern and Southern states regarding slavery? Slaves were counted as three-fifth of a per- son in determining the population for the basis of repre- sentation and tax- ation 56. The Whiskey Rebellion revealed that the federal gov- ernement Could use force to settle disputes 7 / 10
WGU Academy US HISTORY Study online at https://quizlet.com/_91z42g 57. In the early American republic, Republicans criticized the Federalists and their policies for being too elitist 58. How did the Second Great Awakening affect American Society? It helped ceate a large number of social reform movements 59. Why was Thomas Jefferson initially reluctant to ac- cept the Louisiana Purchase? He was concerned about acting with- in the limits of the Constitution 60. What was the US primary advantage in the steel indus- try during the second half of the nineteenth century? Abundant re- serves of iron and coal in the Mid- west 61. What troubled Thomas Jefferson about French control of New Orleans? He understood the importance of New Orleans as a port 62. What was a principal reason for the expansion of slavery in the early 1800's? The invention of the cotton gin in- creased produc- tion 63. Which statement reflects the role of industry in the pre-Civil War South? Industry was an in- significant element compared to the profitable agricul- tural economy 64. In the first half of the 19th century, the South became more dependent on the cotton industry as a result of what factor? The boom of the textile industry and the decline of markets for other crops 65. 8 / 10
WGU Academy US HISTORY Study online at https://quizlet.com/_91z42g What was the primary purpose of the Monroe Doc- trine? To announce that the US would not tolerate Euro- pean interference on the American continents 66. In the early 1800's what was the principle of "nullifica- tion"? A state's right to rule that a federal law is not applica- ble 67. What action did the US government take toward Indian tribes during the Jackson presidency? Indian tribes were relocated to terri- tories in the west- ern United States 68. How did the American public react to the Louisiana Purchase? Despite some po- litical wrangling, Jefferson's tri- umphant re-elec- tion suggested that the pur- chase was popular among citizens 69. What was the result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidal- go? Mexico ceded Cal- ifornia and New Mexico to the Unit- ed States 70. What factor was critical to the passage of the Compro- mise of 1850? The death of Pres- ident Taylor 71. How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 alter the composition of American political parties? It led to the forma- tion of the Republi- can Party 72. Why were some in the Union hesitant to abolish slav- ery during the Civil War? Politicians want- ed to appease 9 / 10
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WGU Academy US HISTORY Study online at https://quizlet.com/_91z42g slave states that remained in the Union 73. Which governmental action prevented African Ameri- cans from achieving equality during reconstruction The passage of Jim Crow laws 74. What was one of the requirements for former Confed- erate states to apply for readmission to the Union? The state had to ratify the 13th amendment 75. What was the purpose of the Jim Crow Laws enacted during Reconstruction? To obstruct Civil rights for African Americans 76. How did the southern economy change after Recon- struction? A more diver- sified agricultural system emerged. 10 / 10